I had a great day today, did you?! Just a lot of little things that added up to a very happy total. Love me some days like that.
First, it was Michaels . . .
I haven’t been going to Michaels all the time like I used to – a combination of being too busy and them rarely having anything new I want anyway. I read/watch all these things online about cool stuff but then rarely find them at my store. Sigh.
Today I decided to try anyway and did finally get lucky. I got two Hot Buy pads that I’ve been wanting.
Pink Paislee “Atlas” 12×12 Pad
Sorry, my photos look a little bluish to me – do they to you? I took them in natural light so I’m not sure what happened. Speaking of color, look at the colors in my photo compared to 2 different images from Amazon:
Sheesh, between the 3 of them maybe you can figure out the actual colors, should you be interested in this product, LOL.
So I also got Shimelle “True Stories” 12×12 Pad
Here’s the back:
WOOT! Yeppers, Scrappy was happy. So happy that I paid full price for one of them. I had a 40% off coupon but they weren’t on sale so . . . Since I’m at Mike’s rarely these days, I didn’t want to take the chance the one I waited to buy would be gone before I could get back.
Yeah, I’m a planner ahead-er like that ;)
Speaking of Amazon, they have the Shimelle paper pad for only $13.45 with free shipping. At Michaels it was $19.99 so had I known . . . I could’ve used the coupon on the Atlas pad and gotten the Shimelle online. Oh well. There is something to be said for instant gratification. In my case, I would say, “Instant Gratification, I like you more than almost anything!”
When Duty Calls
While I was at Michaels, I did my good deed for the day. Two beautiful 20-something girls were shopping near me in the scrapping aisles. One of them really wanted a 12×12 scrapbook but commented on the cost, and they were wondering out loud about coupons, then decided (I think) to pass. As I walked near them, I said, “You can pull one up on your phone for 40% off” and they thanked me :)
“Hey, just doin’ my job, ma’am. Scrapbook Obsession’s my name, and enabling is my game.” Then I made the little gun-finger thing and tipped up my imaginary hat. Okay, no, I really didn’t. Because that would’ve been weird. More weirder than giving unsolicited coupon advice to total strangers in Michaels. Heh.
Later, at Target . . .
I’d heard online that Target had some Heidi Swapp scrappy stuff so I jumped in my car, screeched out of my driveway, and . . . erm, I mean, I waited patiently until the next time I had to go to Target ANYWAY. Which just happened to be the next day (today) to replace one of our shower heads that broke. I am not even lying. It really just happened all by itself. Yep.
At Target, I did find these little ditties – some Heidi Swapp rub-ons and enamel hearts {on top of one of my fave papers from my new Shimelle “True Stories”}.
If you slap a heart on something, I’m buying it. {Perhaps a little hearts obsessed, too?} I love the colors – navy, rose, and gold/beige. Well, I’m lying. I don’t like gold and will probably donate those hearts to someone who DOES love gold. Like every other scrapper on the planet EXCEPT me, judging by the gold running rampant in our industry for the past 2 years (but I’m not bitter).
And of course the SWAG rub-on I can use on a layout about all my SWAG from the Scrapbook Expo I went to recently. Or the way I have so much SWAG in the way I conduct myself in daily life. {If you knew me, you’d be laughing super hard right now about how true that is NOT}.
But really, I think I’ll use Atlas, True Stories, and the HS stuff in my “Week in the Life” project – are you doing it? The colors go great with everyday photos and there are some perfect sayings and patterns as well.
So here’s the good news / bad news part . . .
I was chatting up the checker at Target, like I do (except the one guy that scares me). I told her I was so glad to see some scrapbooking stuff there again. Then SHE said that Target is phasing out all scrapbooking AND craft stuff!
To my insta-frown, she quickly replied, “But it’s okay! A lot of it’s online now!” And in my “inside-my-head, don’t-you-dare-say-this-out-loud-Erika” voice, I said, “BUT!! If you purchase scrapbooking products online, you can’t as easily hide them from your husband among the blueberries and sunscreen and stuff! I’m sorry, it’s just not the same as in-store.” Plus there’s that whole instant gratification thing we were just talking about.
She offered me a Red Card and the conversation was over. I don’t know if what she said is true but I felt it was my scrapper’s duty to share this with you. I hope you’re taking it better than I am.
With that, I must now take to my bed. What started out as a fab day has turned somewhat traumatic. Plus it’s after 1am and I have an exciting conference call in the morning. I think we’re finding out the release date for Lisa Bearnson’s “Anthology” !!!

Our Target has just added a whole new section of craft stuff in wood shapes, heavy cardboard shapes etc….If they are phasing it out then they sure can’t make up their minds. It has “sort’a” come and gone so many times over the past few years that I don’t think they know what they are doing. I’m not loosing sleep though ’cause I never find the cool stuff everyone else does.
Yeah, mine has that crafty DIY section too. Sigh. With just a few scrapbooking products – punches, paper pads, etc. The Heidi Swapp embellishments are all gone now. Thanks for stopping by, Julie!