Back in October 2012, I talked about how excited I was to take part in my first live “True Scrap” online scrapbooking event. I posted about HERE, HERE, and HERE. And HERE is what started my love affair with True Scrap . . . an individual class I took from True Scrap 3 by Shimelle Laine called “The Perfect Collection” . . . still hands down the most useful scrapbook class I’ve ever taken.
… so I get a tad obsessive. Jeez. Didya’ notice the name of my blog by chance?
Anyway, that experience did not go as planned sadly. I ended up having to be out of town that weekend. I’d already registered for the event, of course, but figured at least I could watch the classes “live” from my iPhone while we were driving or I had down time on the trip.
Howevah! That didn’t work either. For whatever reason, I couldn’t watch on my iPhone either. Shooks. So I was out of luck. When I got home from the trip, real life took over . . . as it has a tendency to do . . . and I kind of skimmed through some classes but didn’t really “take” them, iykwim. I never wrote the class reviews I promised either (bad baaad blogger!!).
But with the fact that “TRUE SCRAP 4” individual classes are now – as of today 12/17/12 – available for individual purchase, it has spurred me to finally sit down and take the classes. I’ll be providing reviews in the coming days to hopefully help you in deciding if you’d like to take any of the classes.
There is one reason to NOT wait for my reviews and just sign up already: The regular price on these classes is $12.95, but from 12/17-12/25, purchasers can save $3 a class and only pay $9.95 per class!! Merry Christmas to you, am I right!?!
That is a great deal any way you slice it. So sign up now. Signs up later. Whatevs. Just sign up.
Here are some things to know about “TRUE SCRAP 4” individual classes
1. They are a total of 1 hour long, including before and after chat sessions with Lain (True Scrap organizer) and the instructors. Here are the 15 instructors, at least several that I’m sure you’ll recognize:
Julie Fei-Fan Balzer
Erin Bassett
Monica Bradford
Kelli Crowe
Laura Denison
Jennifer Gallacher
Nic Howard
Noell Hyman
Katrina Kennedy
Nichol Magouirk
Gretchen Schmidt
Katrina Simeck
Jessica Sprague
Heidi Swapp
Jennifer Wilson
2. When you sign up through any of my links, you’ll receive a pretty quick e-mail straight from Lain with a link to your class(es).
3. You have the option to just watch the class video, or to watch it as if you were there “live” with all of the before and after audio and the chat to accompany it.
4. There is also a link to the chat transcript, and oftentimes a class handout (less note-taking, yee haw!) with links and other helpful things; this varies from class to class and not all classes have handouts.
So I’ve taken my first class and am off to finish writing my review of it – stay tuned!

[…] I posted HERE, I’m very excited that “TRUE SCRAP 4″ individual classes are finally on sale. I […]
[…] I posted HERE, I’m very excited that “TRUE SCRAP 4″ individual classes are finally on […]
[…] through other classes I took with the creator Lain Ehmann – most notably TRUE SCRAP 4 – I learned more about what LOAD/Layout a Day really is, how it works, and how amazing it is. […]