As I posted HERE, I’m very excited that “TRUE SCRAP 4” individual classes are finally on sale. I know some of you have been waiting since the live full TS4 event back in October.
Here is a review of the first TS4 class I took: “Stretch Your Sketch” by Gretchen Schmidt {scroll down til you find it}
First of all, the gurl can throw down a rap. Early in the class video, she says that sketches can “get you back on the scrapbook track”. Hollaback Girl!!
She made a whole mini album using variations on 1 sketch and 1 very cute line of scrapbook paper. Super cool.
You leave class with a .pdf handout that includes:
notes from the class
5 sketches used in the class
6 bonus sketches
links to sketch resources
ideas for storing sketches
supply list for all 5 projects
These have live links!
Gretchen has a fun personality, pleasing voice, and strikes a great balance between professional and friendly. In the chat, you can tell she has a good sense of humor about herself.
Not only did I learn ways to get more use out of sketches, I unexpectedly learned some new design ideas as well. I’m not going to tell you what they are . . . you have to take the class, LOL! But they involve washi tape among other things.
One sketch used EIGHT photos, most of which looked close to 4×6/6×4. That one is right up my alley … I’m always try to cram as many photos onto a page as I can {apparently I’m incapable of that darn “only choose the bestest photos to scrap!” technique ‘cuz I scrap ’em all}. Regarding this particular layout, many attendees commented that it would be great to use for Disney layouts. I concur.
Lain even adds a link to a freebie that has to do with sketches.
One downside to not attending True Scrap 4 live is that you have to watch other people win prizes and internally pretend you’re so freakin’ happy for them :P
Like all True Scrap classes, “Stretch Your Sketch” was 1 hour total including the chat with Lain Ehmann (TS hostess) and Gretchen Schmidt (intructor) before and after the intructional video.
If you buy this or any TS4 class, you can either choose to watch just the video or you can watch the video with the chat playing at the same time.
I have to say I totally {heart} Gretchen now – not only because of this class – but because she plugged SIMPLE STORIES “SN@P!” big time {which I sell as a MEMORY WORKS consultant; you can see the entire line HERE because I know you’re curious now, hee}. She talks about how it’s perfect to use for Project Life. Again, I concur. I’m using “Sn@p!” for my first real attempt at Project Life which starts for me on 1-1-13.
So overall a really good experience with this class and I recommend it. If you do (or already did) take Gretchen’s class, I’d love to hear what YOU thought of it. Dissenting opinions always welcomed!
Also, if there are any HERE you would like reviewed first, let me know and I’ll try to get to them first!