I would love to get to know you. Tell me about yourself and your scrapbooking. If it makes it easier, you can answer any of these questions you’re comfortable with:
1. First name, part of the world you’re from, and about your family, your job, etc..
2. How long have you been scrapbooking and why/how did you start?
3. Are you now a paper scrapper, hybrid, or digital?
4. How often do you scrapbook these days?
5. Your friends and family would say you are…..? Give us 5 random things.
Okay, I’ll break the ice and go first, LOL!
1. My name is Erika and I am addicted to scrapbooking. (“Hi, Erika!”). I’m from California, been married over 15 years and have some wonderful kids. My number one job is being their mom, although I do have to earn a living too (medical transcriptionist full-time from home).
2. I’ve been scrapping officially since 2001, when I went to a Creative Memories party. Finally, a name for hoarding all your photos and memorabilia and putting them in an album! Had been doing that since my teens, LOL. I became addicted quite quickly, seeking out ALL the scrapbook products, conventions, and crops I could afford! Have loved it ever since.
3. I say I’m totally paper, have not a lick of interest in going digital, but I do journal on the computer sometimes, print photos, etc. Does that make me hybrid? I dunno.
4. These days, I scrapbook mostly at crops with friends or when my mom visits (she’s also a scrapper). I find it hard to justify time scrapbooking at home when so many other things need done…but I need to get over that, don’t I?
5. They would say I am….a Journey fan, sarcastic and cynical, a good mom, fun to be around, and opinionated.
Alright, now it’s your turn! Leave me a nice long comment, or answer these questions on your blog and leave us a link! Look forward to hearing about ya’ll! Have a great day :)

1. My name is Sarah, I’m from the US but am living in Indonesia right now. I’ve been married for almost 9 years and have 2 little girls (ages 1 and 3). I stay at home with them.
2. I’ve been scrapbooking since right after I got married – hubby had a job, I was looking, but it was a LONG day with him gone so I started scrapbooking – with only an album (bought at Mike’s), a pack of patterned paper, some adhesive, stickers, and some scissors!
3. I’m pretty strictly a paper scrapper. I don’t even use my computer for journaling or titles – ha! Although I HAVE made a couple online photobooks for my mom/mom-in-law on Shutterfly.
4. I scrapbook whenever I have time. Life has been pretty crazy for the last couple years (moving a few times, etc) so I am pretty “behind” in my scrapbooking. I at least scrap once a month when I have a bunch of ladies over to my house for scrapbooking/crafting. Other than that, it’s when I can fit it in – sometimes more often than others. I’m working on my own version of “project 365” right now and so I’ve been working on that more regularly lately.
5. They would say I am… organized, a reader, love all kinds of crafts, a cook/baker, good sense of humor :-)
1. Hi my name is Erin, I live in a small town in Missouri. I am a Mom, but to pay the bills I am a nurse. I have one son and a baby on the way.
2. I have been scrapbooking for five years. I got started when my husband told me to get a hobby and my friends where going to a crop. I put them all to shame!
3. Until just recently I was all paper, but I guess now I am hybrid. I just started printing journal spots, using brushes on my photos, plus I computer journal.
4. I usually try and scrap for a whole day at least one time a month. I organize weekend retreats (3 days) every 3 months.
5. Five random things my friends would say about me:
I am picky.
I love to shop…and always get a bargin (or I just don’t buy it)
I talk..alot!
I am funny and always trying to make them laugh.
I am a scrapbook addict!
Thanks this was fun. I love your blog!
hello Erika!
I’ll answer these on my blog tomorrow.
I am also a past Journey fan. In fact, I went to see them in Houston Texas (late 70’s) when they performed with AC DC (AC DC was very new and the opening act) then them (they were excellent, by the way), followed by a very stoned, horrible performance by Aerosmith.
1. My name is Anastasia and I live at Whiteman AFB in Missouri. I work at a local college and live with my husband, who is in the Air Force, and our dachshund doggie Harvey. He is our only baby as of right now. I am 24 and originally from Iowa.
2. I have been scrapbooking since high school. I made some albums for my graduation party and have been hooked ever since. I started working on our wedding album from when we got married last year, but that has taken a back burner as I just started my own online greeting card store.
3. I am a paper scrapbooker only because I think they come out more personal. I feel that if I did it on the computer, I won’t remember actually making the page 20 years from now when I look at the book.
4. I don’t scrapbook much these days because I am usually making my greeting cards. My business is starting to pick up and I have to add new cards to keep things going.
5. My friends and family would say that I am loving, considerate, spontaneous, crazy, and fun.
If anyone on here is interested in taking a look at my card website it is https://www.shophandmade.com/Store/Anastasiascards
1. My name is Stacey Jean but my friends just call me Stace, im from ma grew up on the western side and live on the eastern side now, i have a wonderful little boy who just turned 5, and i work for a dermatologist
2. ive been scrapbooking on a regular basis for 3.5 yrs. i tried it once in highschool but didnt find all the creative stuff back then
3. i am most def a paper scrapper tho i have tried digital and didnt really like it
4. i scrapbook most nights while watching tv after my son goes to bed
5. five things hmmm 1. im creative 2. ocd organizer 3. pc geek 4. fun and funny 5. always there for them
1. I’m Kayla, live in Oregon, have a hubby of 6 years and 2 kidlets ages 3 and 3 months. I am a SAHM at the moment but keep telling hubby I am going to go back to ork til the kids are in school then become a SAHM!
2. I’ve been crafting since I was a wee little one and scrapbooking for 15 or so years but only seriously for 5 or so years.
3. I’m a paper scrapper, I gotta be able to touch, hold and feel products.
4. I don’t get to scrap nearly as often as I want. I try to scrap a couple times a week at least for 15 minutes or so.
5. I’m a garage sale junkie.
I’m not a girly girl.
That I don’t like pink.
My truck is my mommy rig.
I love to camp.
1. I’m the 28 yr old J in the DJP and because of my job, [I’m a probation officer,] it’ll just have to stay as that…..you know my name from AMR though :) I grew up in MN but now live in OH because of DH’s job. It’s just me, him, and our puppy and frankly, we’re quite okay with it staying like that!
2. Been scrapping since 1999, about 2 weeks before high school graduation, when I decided to make a life album for my open house. I went to the craft store, found a few things and got to it! Been hooked ever since! My, how my pages have changed since then!
3. Paper here. I work on a ‘puter all day so I dont’ want my hobby to be on there toO! But like you, I journal sometimes on the computer and print pics, so you’re right in wondering, does that make us hybrid??
4. About 5 days a week! I love my area and often will go there each night to work on something. I also go to crops with friends a few times a month too. Yup, pretty much an addict (to ditto you: “Hi J!”)How often do you scrapbook these days?
5. 1. random 2. funny/sarcastic/loud 3. a little paranoid 4. flexible 5. detail-oriented.
fun stuff!
1. My name is Marilyn, I live in the Portland area of Oregon. I am married to a wonderful man, Cliff. I have 2 cats, Cisco and Toby, and they are my fur kids since I can’t have any of my own. I am currently unemployed.
2. I have been a scrapper since August of 2004. A lot of my friends at church scrapped, and I decided one day that I wanted to as well! Life has never been the same for me!
3. I am definately a paper scrapper, I love my paper too much! I can maybe see myself doing some hybrid if I could figure out how to use photoshop, lol! But I could never give up traditional scrapping!
4. I try to do somekind of papercrafting everyday, but it doesn’t always happen. I am usually pretty busy scrapping away though!
5. Family and Friends……Would say I am creative, emotional, a good cook, sarcastic, funny.
Erika, I have been reading your blog since I found it a couple years ago, back when I still went on CKMB. I can always count on you to tell me where the good deals are!! I love your blog, and will always be a subscriber!
1. Hello, my name is Eileen and I’m a scrapaholic. I’m originally from MI, living in California since 1980. No marriage, no kids, but iI have lots of nephews/nieces and grandnephews/grandnieces. I’ve worked my entire life in the corporate world until the new millenium. Now I happily wear shorts and tennis shoes to work for an electrical contractor.
2. Made my first scrapbook when I was 19 or 20. That was a lifetime ago. Then I went to a Creative Memories party in the early 80’s, scrapped for a while and stopped. As luck would have it, I strolled down the scrap aisle at Michael’s one day in 2005 and it took my breath away….really, it was an awesome sight!
3. Paper, paper, paper. And no, I don’t think journalling on the pc or tweaking/printing your own pictures makes anyone a hybrid scrapper.
4. Once a week? 10 minutes a day? I do something scrappy almost every day, whether it’s organizing, going to Michaels, or actually working on a layout. Some times I can do a layout in an hour, other times it can take me a week.
5. My family would say I’m an animal lover, that I have a place for everything and everything in its place, that I’m emotional (I am NOT!), that I’m sarcastic, and that I love them unconditionally.
Fun, Erika!
Thanks for the fun prompt, Erika!!
My answers are here – https://www.amatterofmemories.com/2009/04/meme-introduce-yourself.html
Fun prompt!
1. I’m Meaghan – just turned 27, and getting married to my college sweetie in almost exactly one month (eek!). I spent most of my life in Wisconsin, but this past fall, the man and I trekked out to a sleepy little town in Washington state, where he is training as a Navy flight officer. In my Wisconsin life, I was a high school social studies teacher (yes, I’m crazy and I loved it), but for the time being I’m spending my days crafting, blogging, and wedding planning :)
2. I’ve been “scrapbooking” (if you could call it that) since high school. I have 3-ring binders where I put rudimentary layouts together of all my honor roll listings in the newspaper and other adolescent paraphernalia, using construction paper and my trust glue stick. Post-college, a good girlfriend introduced me to rubber stamping and card making, and it’s been all downhill since then…
3. Paper scrappers unite! In reality, I see all the advantages to going digital, but I’ve invested too much money in tangible supplies, and computers tend to frustrate me. I will admit to printing out journaling tags or sentiments for greeting cards.
4. I was doing pretty well keeping up to date on the scrapbooking, but between wedding planning and life in general, I haven’t done much in the past few months. My goal post-nuptials is to get back on track and catch up by the end of 2009!
5. Friends and family would say… I’m book smart but sometimes lack common sense; my diet consists of an unhealthy amount of Cheerios and ice cream (no, not together, that’d just be wrong); I’d have a hard time choosing between my right arm and my TiVo; I put the hyphen in anal-retentive; I resort to sarcasm and humor whenever a serious situation arises… ;)
1. Hello, my name is Ona and I live w/my husband and kitty in a big city in PA. I had a most wonderful corporate job until it sailed overseas; now I work parttime retail fabrics which is ok since retirement is very near :)
2. I made my first scrapbook in the 50’s; it was hot then, too. It was NOT acid free and I can still remember how rough the pages felt. Yuk! Photos went in the adults’ albums, so mine was strictly memorabilia. Come jr high that book probably went in the trash, and it wasn’t until my DH and I started taking island vacations in the 90’s that I started up again.
3. Have always loved to cut and paste, so it’s paper. However, I LOVE type, so I’ll use the pc for that. I made a snapbook and an 8×8 w/Shutterfly which was very satisfying, but that’s as digi as I prefer to get.
4. I don’t scrapbook with any regularity; hot and cold puts it best. But I’m always looking at product ;)
5 things:
good listener
cool-headed in a disaster (the little and the big ones)
bargin shopper
You’re the best, Erika!
Hi Erika!
1. I’m Kristin! I live in Switzerland but originally from Australia! I have been married 5 years and have two kids. I am a SAHM and plan to go back to uni at some point this year or next.
2. I have been scrapbooking since Jan 08. So just over a year. Well
offically anyways. I suppose i have been scrapbooking since i was old enough to own a camera as i always loved putting my photo albums together with journalling. But last year I found (thanks to an American friend) patterned paper and cardstock and embellishments and was hooked!
3. Im mainly a paper scrapper but like to use digital stuff to enhance my layouts some of the time. So probably a hybrid scrapper.
4. I scrap usually once a day. A little obsessive ;). I scrap every wednesday with my friends and other than that i scrap after the kids have gone to bed.
5. 5 things: I love to organize, love to shop (too much), need to get the last word in when having an argument, spend too much time on the computer and a good baker.
1. I’m Ivette! I live in Central Florida… yes real close to Mickey and Minnie… Originally from Puerto Rico.. I’m a latin scrap diva, mother of 2 boys and engaged to my real love Eric. I work as a medical assistant for ENT and love it.
2. I have been scrapbooking since I got here to Florida about 9 years ago, but got more serious with it for the past 5yrs, before that I just was a scrapbook sale shopaholic had more material that I could used in years. Then come answer #3
3. Paper…paper.. and tools… never had try digital.. imagine what I’m a going to do with all my stuff, my fiance will go nuts after just building me my new scrapbook room (he turn a SHED into my scrapbook room).
4. I try to scrap every chance I get. Now in my new room is more fun everything is organized and easy at reach… I’m into making cards at this moment in a few hours I could create about 3-4 cards. Also scrap with friends and my sisters-in-law at CTMH monthly crops.
5. 1. Nice and friendly
2. creative
3. good bargain shopper (guru of sales)
4. fast talk
5. and different (in a nice way)
Great idea! I love your blog and check it several times a week!
1. I’m Gigi, and I live in Alpharetta, Georgia, with my husband of almost 16 years and our two kids. We have a five-year-old son and a seven-month-old daughter. We also have an 11-year-old yellow Labrador retriever, and we refer to him as our oldest child! I worked as a writer/communications manager until I was laid off during my maternity leave with the baby. So now I am staying home and doing a little freelance writing on the side.
2. I started scrapbooking in 1997, when we first moved to Georgia, because I was so sad to be away from my family (in Virginia) and needed a creative outlet! My boss at the time was a scrapper, and she introduced me to Creative Memories. I was hooked and quickly started hoarding all sorts of scrapbook supplies, much to my husband’s dismay! (But like Erika, I had actually been “scrapbooking” since I was a teenager. I would stick little journaling boxes in my magnetic photo albums back in the 80s to tell the stories in my photos. It simply seemed logical to explain what was going on in my pictures, but I had no idea it was an actual hobby!)
3. I am strictly a paper scrapbooker. I don’t know why I have resisted going digital, or even printing some titles and journaling out on the computer, but I just haven’t. Maybe one day…
4. I scrap once a month when my Creative Memories consultant hosts her monthly crops. I also try to get together with my best friend, who is also a scrapper, on a regular basis at one of our homes, but since I have a seven-month-old and she has a newborn, we’ve been a little slow lately. But hopefully we can start our little gatherings again soon.
5. I guess people would say that I am a good listener, love to organize things, speak my mind (sometimes too much), spend way too much money on scrapbook supplies and makeup (MAC!), and can bake a mean batch of brownies!
1. Hey there…I’m Becky and I live in Alabama, USA. I’m a mother of a 3 year old boy and have been married for almost 6 years. I do mostly human resource work in my job.
2. I’ve been doing this kind of scrapbooking for about 6 years. I’ve been crafty all my life but my sister bought me a wedding scrapbook kit when I got married assuming I had already taken up the hobby. I’ve been hooked ever since.
3. I would say I’m all paper. I’ve done a little digital but prefer paper because it’s more about..”Touching” the stuff and buying more supplies.
4. With a 3 year old and a full time job outside the home, my scrapbook time is limited. I do get to go on retreats a couple times a year with my friends and get alot done there. I also may get a day to myself every other month were I can do a little bit.
5. My friends would say I’m controlling, funny, a shopaholic, creative and a good friend most days
1. Hi, My Name is Michele and I work for FactoryDirectCraft.com in their internet design dept. I am the mother of 2, one son and on daughter.
2. I’ve been doing scrapbooking for about 6 or 7 years
3. Most scrap booking I do is digital
4. I usually just scrap book on the weekends
5. My friends and family would say I spend entirely to much time on the computer!
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