HERE is a .pdf with all the details. HERE it is on the Bella blog. Order by 04-30-12 for $37.99; order from 05-01 through 05-04-12 for $43.99. {I notice that the .pdf mentions the early bird price, but the blog doesn’t give specifics on it … so I’d check that .pdf linked above if you’re going to order}.
The ad says there is $125 worth of stuff so that sounds like quite the deal! I didn’t realize until I looked at their BLOG and WEBSITE that they had so many lines out. Wowzers, cute stuff.
I’m not going to order … mainly because I’ve been on a bit of a spree lately (yeah, that’s putting it lightly) and I need to chill, yo. But also because I don’t own any Bella Blvd to this point (say what???) and don’t know if I like their products enough to chance this.
But if you are a Bella fan, I say “go forth and shop, my friend!” So …. are ya’ gonna’?
ETA 04-18-12: Shout out to the PEAS! A poster pointed out that the e-mail address on the BB blog (at least as of the time I’m writing this) is missing an “L”.

Thanks for enabling! However, I’m on a spending freeze after getting some major, unexpected bills the last month. Yikes! Looks like a fabulous deal, too!
Pretty awesome deal! TFS!