I found this cool service called BLOGLOVIN‘ ~ it’s just a fun alternative to Google Reader, etc. as a way to follow your favorite blogs. For every blog you follow, you’ll get an e-mail every time they post a new entry.
They contacted me months ago to say my blog was listed on their site but I just now had time to check it out. It’s pretty darn coolio. They even have a MOBILE APP for iPhone and Droid … which I of course downloaded immediately (go ahead, it’s free!).
It’s a very clean looking site, easy to navigate, and has tons of blogs to choose from that you can “follow,” similar to TWITTER and Pinterest. There are blogs with 20-30,000 followers … and I have a pitiful 6. So help me not look like such a loser over there and follow me, wouldja’?
Grazie mile! (Thanks so much)
I’ve also added a button on the top right of my blog that you can click to easily follow my blog at Bloglovin’.