Read all about it on Heidi Swapp’s BLOG; the post is right HERE.
The Peas are talking about it HERE.
In a nutshell, Heidi’s husband is going to finish his Chinese degree at BYU. The moving truck has left and they are on their way. In the blog entry, she talks about her future with ADVANTUS (oh, they of INTERESTING BUSINESS PRACTICES), the HEIDI SWAPP BRAND, and with her primary focus, HOUSE OF 3, which is her project with RHONNA FARRER and JANET HOPKINS. I found THIS blog entry that describes House of 3 really well, just scroll down a bit and it’s under the ALI EDWARDS stuff.
If you’ve been looking for Heidi Swapp sneak peeks for CHA-Summer 2009, this is why you haven’t seen any (from Heidi’s above blog entry):
I will not be attending CHA, and I do not have a new product release at this show. The Heidi Swapp brand will continue through Advantus… I will continue to teach classes, travel and promote it along with House of 3. Our relationship will move forward on a per-project basis.
So that’s the big news. It sounds like it was a good time for a change for her and her family. As the scrapbooking industry evolves, so must she and those like her. I admire her for weathering PAST STORMS, having a good attitude about the changes, and being thankful for all the good things in her life. I wish her all the luck in the world….
What do you think?

I wish her the best, I like her style and even do I don´t have any of her products I do love House of 3, have a great sunday!
With CHA coming I’ve been wondering about a few of my favorite companies. HS is one of them. TFS the info.
If you read through her blog comments, you will see that her home was about to be/was foreclosed on. I thought that it was interesting…..Scrap Smack has gotten ahold of this and are having a hey-day with it all.