Here are two layouts I did for the January crop at SCRAP SISTERS STUDIO.
The first one was for the Bracket Challenge by CHRIS aka Chrispea. She provided this sketch …
… and here is my layout:
It will be perfect for my BOOK OF ME album. Just wanted to capture the little material things that are making mama happy right now.
The second layout I did was based on my own 2-Page, Multi-Photo layout challenge. I included some inspiration layouts for my challenge, including this one by LISA WARREN which I found on the GOT SKETCH? blog …
****** ^^^^^^ THIS IS LISA’S LAYOUT, NOT MINE ^^^^^^ ******
I scraplifted Lisa’s layout and here is what I came up with:
I smudged charcoal grey chalk ink on these letters to go along with the dirt/digging theme, and this is also to show that there’s actually yellow in that patterned paper in case you were wondering why in the heck did I use YELLOW letters, LOL …
And the journaling which I’m not happy with … used a transparency and the ink smudged (even though I used the right kind of pen) and I couldn’t find a good way to adhere it totally flat without glue showing through.
Lisa’s layout is way cuter than mine because she has a cute girlie AND a cute dog, while I only have uh … dog. Nah, really, hers is cuter because she has more talent in her right pinky than I have in my whole body. So thank you for sharing the inspiration, Lisa! You RAWK.
And thank you to all the Scrap Sisters who participated in my challenge. I sent all 11 of ’em a little prize in the mail. Nothing big, just a small “thank you.” Here’s a photo when I was getting the prizes ready to send:
So, that was the first time I’ve scrapped in months. It felt really good. I even cleaned up when I was done. {I know, I can be annoying like that sometimes}. But seriously, I want to keep scrapbooking when I can carve out the time, so I need my space to be ready.
Hope you’ve been scrapping too!

Love ur layouts, Erika! I’m sure u have WAY more talent than ur giving yourself credit for. ;)
Ditto what Abby said.
And I am sure those ladies will be happy to receive those in the mail. Because anything in the mail that isn’t a bill is good, but getting this would be great.
I enjoyed looking at your layouts. Very nice.
Love seeing your work, it’s great! You should share more often.
Thanks for sharing my layout Erika! I’m really flattered. I agree with the girls though…your layouts are rockin’!