I recently went to the aquarium and had such a blast taking photos of all the amazing animals!
My favorite part was the seahorse exhibit; the two photos above the flamingo are seahorses. What amazing little creatures those are! I’ve never seen them up close before.
I know to you great photographers out there, these aren’t the most technically perfect shots … but I think I did pretty good with my little point-and-shoot while chaperoning a class field trip, LOL!
These are only about one-third of the photos I would now like to scrapbook. The question is: How?
Do you ever feel not worthy of scrapbooking an event because you *LOVE* the photos so much? It’s not just the bright colors and gorgeous water, it’s the capturing of God’s amazing creations on film. I want to do them justice and also capture my amazement as we saw each new thing, kwim? I’m not sure how best to do that.
One thought I’m having is to put them on plain black cardstock so the colors will pop and the photos will be the main feature, what you really want to look at. But then what? Handwrite the journaling in white pen? Do computer journaling on white cardstock and use journaling strips? How do I get some color in there without distracting the eye from the photos? Gah. I don’t know!
Another thought is to make a mini album from them, since there are so many photos. If I do 12×12 layouts, it would take several pages. Plus, a mini album would set them apart and make them “special.”
How would you scrap these photos? Have you scrapped aquarium photos before and how did you do it? Are there any scrapbooking lines you would suggest I use? Thanks for your help!
ETA 3/27/11: I’m going to save this layout for inspiration … and thank you to all who’ve given me ideas. I really appreciate it!
This one is from Julie at JUST A WEE BIT BUSY:
I think this is the exact look I want to go for … black background, bright colors, and a paper line I already have (“Snorkel” by Cosmo Cricket). Thanks Julie! I’m liking the mini album idea, too, that so many suggested. You guys rawk.

it’s old, and I sucked back then, but here’s some that I did from the Mandalay Bay Aquarium in Vegas. HTH!
I have a bunch of aquarium photos to scrap as well. (Most of them look just like yours…what aquarium was it?). I am not sure what I want to do with mine either. I will be checking back to see what ideas you get.
Great pictures. I would definetly do a mini album. I would use mostly black or dark coloured cardstock so the colours pop. I don’t think I would use pattern paper on anything but the cover. I would use only a few embellishments and do your journalling on the computer to give it a uniformed look and make the pictures the focus point
These photos are beautiful! I love the jellyfish.
Wow, these are great photos! I had a suggestion for a page design, but then you mentioned you’d end up with multiple layouts. So, I’m thinking a mini book would be perfect. Good luck and I hope you post it when you’re finished!!
I would do a mini album. We did that when we went to BC. We loved everything we did. So hubby put eveything in its own smaller photo album and I did a whole scrapbook dedicated to the trip.
But for your photo’s I think a mini ablum would be fun.
I had photos like this from Xcaret in Mexico. I did an 8×8 album of the trip to Cancun for my Mom’s 70th b-day one year. I didn’t have as many photos as you but took my favorites (9) and matted them on squares of yellow with the edges cut with a postage stamp blade (about 2 -3/8) Then made my squares of the photos a little smaller (2-1/8) I did cut out parts of the animals/sea life but it allowed me to catch that iguana’s smile right in tight. Now what I’m saying? And that gorgeous tuscan flapping his wings but the facial was right in close. I got nine pics on the second page of a two page layout and the first page was a nicely matted pic of the family in front of the big stone sign reading Xcaret so that became the title for this section of the album. You could probably do alot like this with a 12×12 page. Everyone thinks this layout is cool because all the pics look like colorful postage stamps. Good luck!
Try thinking of the aquarium itself for inspiration! They seem to have pretty neutral walls and color pallets to make the exhibits stand out. You could even take a loot at the plaques they use to describe the animals and use that style for your journaling! I think it would be cute and stylish.
You might even mat or cut the photos with rounded edges, or mat them to look like they’re beveled. Ya know, so they look like aquarium windows.
Hi. I also think a mini-album is a good idea. Take it one step further and you might also create some scrapbooking on the wall using your aquarium photos. Just to give another idea, I recently made a ceiling/wall hanging deal for my niece and since she is into photography and currently landscapes, I took several photos of places I traveled and put them together on 12 CDs hooked together. To get an idea, check out my page at https://www.coolest-handmade-crafts.com/my-journey-in-the-art-of-scrapbooking.html. Some of them were CD calendars and others were just works of art. The one I speak of (landscapes) is the last of the four pictures on the bottom of that page. Hope that inspires you!
I agree, I would go with a black background as well. I have a whole bunch of aquarium pictures waiting to be printed from our latest visit to the Florida Aquarium in Tampa! I think I may use bright colored gel pens to doodle on the background to spice it up a bit and probably add a lot of texture with fabrics and trims. Great topic.
visit my blog at youareclosetomyheart.blogspot.com
This is too funny, I stumbled upon your blog AND I’m watching Grey’s on DVR as we speak!! Loved the scrapbooking mention and I love your aquarium pictures. Just went to a children’s museum in chicago and took lots of pics of my daughter. Can’t wait to do a bubble room page with lots of blue bubble stickers!
I scrapped a page that I ended up loving, it just seemed to work well with the aquarium pictures. It’s the old Cosmo Cricket Snorkle line.
The machine stitching was an after thought, but I like how it looks against the black.