Around this time last year, I was lamenting the October Afternoon Warehouse Sale 2011 . . . in Minnesota. {I live in Cali}.
Well, it’s that time again. I don’t see it on their website or blog yet, but the following ad has been posted to Craigslist:
Mark your calendars for October Afternoon’s annual Warehouse Sale … Featuring amazing deals on scrapbooking paper and accessories in our warehouse located at 5708 Upper 147th Street West in Apple Valley, MN. Parking in the rear of the building. Watch for the signs! Visit our Facebook page for further details!
Thursday, Oct. 25: 6-9 pm
Friday, Oct. 26: 10 am-6 pm
Saturday, Oct. 27: 10 am-6 pm
Sunday, Oct. 28: 12 noon-5 pm(Admission for early-bird shoppers on Thursday night only: Bring a bag of non-perishable food/household items to be donated to the Shepherd of the Valley/Our Daily Bread Food Shelf. Free admission on all other days.)
So there ya’ go, Minne-soot-ans! Advanced notice of the upcoming October Afternoon Warehouse Sale 2012! Wish I could hop a plane and join you, dontcha’ know . . .

I wish I could hop a plane and go :)
Would love to be able to go :)