I did it. I gave in to the Power of the P.
Aren’t you proud of me? I finally started a Pinterest account for this blog. Now, before you lecture me, let me just say this:
– I know I’m late to the party. But I brought pretzels!
– I know it’s addictive; I’ve heard the warnings.
– No, I will not forget to blog because my eyes are glazed over from all the beautifulness over there.
– I will still love you if you don’t Follow me on Pinterest . . . just not as much. Hey, deal with it.
So, please go check out my Pinterest boards! I even made it easy for you by putting that handy-dandy little “Follow Me On Pinterest” button in the right sidebar. There. You have no excuse.
I have scrapbooking boards of course – products, organization, studios, etc. – and some Project Life boards. Also other fun things that interest me like books, Italy, quotes, free printables, coffee, and more.
I was THISCLOSE to adding a martini board but I didn’t know if that was bad form for a NEWB. Maybe once I’ve been around Pinterest for a while, you think?
Are you on Pinterest? If not, why not?
If you are a Pinner, will you pretty please put your Pinterest link/name in Comments below? I will Follow you!
Especially if you’re going for martinis ;)

I’m not for Martinis, but I pinned a Skittle vodka recipe…. Here is my link to Pinterest : https://www.pinterest.com/valeriead/boards/
Welcome to the PinParty !
Thank you Valerie :) Following you!
I’m definitely a pinner, I love it for home decor, scrappy and other crafty ideas, recipes, fashion, YOU NAME IT!!
Amy, your boards are so fun. I’m following!
I pin quite a bit…mostly scrapbook & craft, art, home decor and recipe.
A fellow Letterboxer! I’m following you, Madeline. Thanks :)
Pinterest board name – Julie Steed but I see you already found me and repinned the comic you had on your site the other day. Good job!
Thanks Julie! I’m following you, too :)