I have bunches of work to do tonight, so I’ll keep this short (Yeah, right, “Mrs. She Who Can Never Be Brief”…).
As you all know (if you don’t, read HERE and HERE and HERE) – there’s currently a big contro in scrapbook world about some of the CK Hall of Fame 2007 winners who broke the rules, won anyway, and no action has been taken against them (yet) by CK. At the center of the hurricane is KRISTINA CONTES, who has one layout in the the HOF issue that has a photo credit for NISA FIIN. Miss Kristina has been getting the bulk of the onslaught, and today SHE RESPONDED on HER BLOG. And here is the FEEDBACK on CKMB so far. Am I blind are or are they NOT discussing the Kristina Response on 2peas?!? C’mon, Peas, whaddup? (Maybe they’ve all left the building). So, “discuss amongst yourselves” (if you’re a fan of Mike Myers/SNL, you’ll get that)…and I’ll be back!

Up until this point, I have not expressed an opinion on this matter. I still have no personal stake in the matter, but I can tell you that if I was a HOF hopeful who was upset about this, and then I read that post on her blog…..OMG!!! Even I, not really giving a rat’s ass about the whole thing, am a little shocked by her resonse. Let’s claim ignorance first (I didn’t read the rules) and then claim loyalties to a friend (why she told CK about the photos) and then put all of the rest of the blame on CK???? And then outright insult the people who are upset about it, calling them lunatics, and was it unbalanced??
What a mess!!
Yeah, I’m pretty much done with CK and HOF and all the drama right now. But KC, what were you thinking??? I know you feel the need to defend yourself because everyone is talking mad sh*t about you, but please refrain from the “so there” attitude that got Stacy Julian in so much trouble.
I think the scrapping world would be far happier if she just said, I’m sorry. I made a terrible mistake. The end.
I see that she did lot let your comment through. But she let my husband’s through, check it out, he is the only man commenter. And he was just being a smart ass.
I don’t know whats going on, but im unable to log on to CK. I dont think i said anything to get off the site. how ignorant…
I just read the article in the Los Angeles times about Ms.Contes “fall from grace.” Good grief, and I thought some of the gals involved in rock music fandom were nutz! Sounds to me like some of her detractors are just jealous. Who cares what someone scraps about? It’s their art, isn’t it?
Hi Maria ~ I agree, I think some have taken it way too far. I don’t believe insulting someone’s scrapbooking style or being jealous of her success is constructive. But I do know that the issue for many is NOT her style or her success, but her taking a very prestigious position in the industry when she didn’t follow rules that others were held to. Does that help make sense of why some are so upset?
I’d like to know how to buy a purple wristband.
wow-I didn’t realize just how much drama there was in the scrappin’ world! I love to scrap, but just recently have started reading all the blogs and other things online-too much drama for me, I just want to work on my layouts (etc.) – it relieves stress (I really don’t care who takes the photos – it’s still their work on the layout, but I understand if there’s going to be rules, you must follow them)