Okay, guys, I’m trying to keep up with this whirlwind of new PROJECT LIFE product – either out now or coming soon. There has been a lot of chatter about it online. I’ll be doing this post and a couple more to make sure you see it ALL.
A shout out to my bud Heather, who first shared photos she found online of new lines “Lovely” by Shimelle (see THIS entry for more info) and “Favorite Things” by Heidi Swapp.
Heidi has teamed up with Becky for MANY new Project Life items. You can read about them and see photos HERE and HERE on Becky’s blog. And check out this video if you have time. I’m sorry, but they are both just so dang likable!
The Heidi Swapp line is ‘exclusive’ to Michaels and also being carried in Becky’s own shop. My favorite item from the Heidi Swapp line for Project Life is the “Dreamy” Core Kit
It reminds me of “Color Wash” by Pink Paislee . . .
. . . which is one of my all-time favorite scrapbooking lines.
I did hear a rumor that some of the HS cards are not double sided and not horizontal so they’ll be harder to use in the PL pocket pages DESIGN A that I prefer to use. Anyone know if that’s true?
Again, shout out to Heather who took photos at Michaels!
As you can see, there are a lot of OTHER new HS items, too. I’m not sure if they’re technically “Project Life”? I think so because Heidi has them all listed together on her WEBSITE.
I’ll be stalking Michaels to find that Heidi Swapp “Dreamy” core kit and snap it up with my coupon! Usually I just buy partial PL kits from friends online but I need to see this one in person and go through the whole thing before I decide how much of it I want. But I’ll probably sell at least some of it off.
So glad to see the collab between Heidi and Becky. As you saw in the video, they’ve been friends for a long time and bring totally different things to our scrapbooking world, both of which I love. Congrats ladies!