I am SO stinkin’ excited! I just signed up for my first online scrapbooking course. Well, okay, I confess, I once signed up for a free one at Stacey Julian’s BIG PICTURE SCRAPBOOKING. But it was free and I was too busy, so I failed to participate. THIS time, I mean business! Because 1. I paid $20 of my hard-earned cash, and 2. I really really really need to complete this project: my kids’ School Days albums. So, here is the class I just registered for…it runs AUGUST 25 through SEPTEMBER 14, 2008 (3 weeks):
BACK TO CLASS with TRISH TURRAY. I signed up for it at GET IT SCRAPPED! online classes by DEBBIE HODGE. Debbie wrote THIS BOOK {which is only $13.38 right now at AMAZON}, called Get It Scrapped!
She’s all about getting your pictures in scrapbooks. From what I’ve seen online so far, Debbie’s book and classes seem to help you do just that. I’m one of those that has been gathering the supplies for this type of album but haven’t followed through on actually com-PLEET-ing any. I have all the school shizzle: Report cards? Check. School and class photos? Check. Art and writing projects? Check. I just need one cool place to put it all. Sure, I’ve scrapped random school events and they’re mixed in with our annual family albums. But I’ve purposely NOT scrapped school photos and such because I knew I wanted to create an album like this someday. Well, baby, “someday” is here! Wahooooo! I can’t wait to get started.
On Trish’s blog, she shows this new school line from KI MEMORIES:
Is that the cutest?? I asked Stacey if she can get it in the AMR store and she said, sure, but she needs a couple weeks heads up. Anyhow, I think this is the line Trish uses to complete the project but she said you don’t need any particular line, you can use whatever you want to buy or have already been collecting. I have various school embellies, and recently bought the Autumn Leaves Back to School Collection at Target. It’s a paper pad with matching die cut shapes and an alphabet. I’m sure it will be more than enough once I supplement with cardstock and either Thickers or letters cut with my Cricut.
But the KI Memories school line is called my name. Will you please tell it to Shut the Hell Up??? Crap. I only have so much money, you know? Quit tempting me…I mean it! {Yeah, right….}
To flashback a bit….I tried to get some copies of that darn Becky Higgins School Days Kit awhile back but don’t get me started on how the (I say loosely) “customer service” at CK Media completely farkled that up. I was pretty ticked for awhile and didn’t even want to think about how I was going to complete school albums on my own. I dunno, I just feel like a need a guideline to follow, someone holding my hand and saying, ‘C’mon, just put this photo here, and that report card there, and before you know it, you’re done.’ I don’t want to overthink it. I want it simple but cohesive. I want it easily duplicated so I can make a copy for each kid. Heck, if it comes out cute, I’ll do my OWN school days album the same way. Yeah, unfortunately, my dear mother didn’t start scrapbooking until I was growed up with chiclets of my own. So my own school pictures and awards and such are in a box here somewhere. I don’t think we have enough of DH’s stuff to do an album for him, but I could ask the MIL and see if she’s got more school items of his.
Anyway, I heard about this class ~ everybody now! ~ “at AMR.” My scrap bud, ANNE MARIE, did a post about it because she’s on their e-mail list and was notified of this new class. I’m trying to recruit some other AMR girlz to take it with me, but no takers so far. I would feel more at home over at Get It Scrapped on the MB and such if there were some familiar faces. Debbie even said she’ll add blinkies in our siggies if a bunch of us come over from the same place. So we could spread the AMR love…
Disclaimer: As always, what I say here at S.O. is my own pure opinion from my own pure (ahem, cough!) heart. I’m in no way affiliated with Get It Scrapped or it’s subsidiaries. I did not receive any kind of payment or gift for this endorsement. Thank you.
No matter where you hail from in scrapbook world, I hope you’ll come take a look at the Back to Class….um, class. And maybe even join in with me. C’mon, you know you want to…

LOL so tell me about this AMR place???? LOL!!! Erika you rock and I so appreciate you speading the word about All Moments Remembered! Thank you!!!
Sounds like a plan to do a class like that! I was lucky and managed to get 2 of the school kits via CK… and unlucky in how much it cost to ship it all the way down to this part of the globe…. I ain’t going there cos it just makes me wanna gag, K?!
Anyway, I still need to get started even though I have the stuff here. So, count me in as doing it with you in spirit :)
Thanks for visiting! You can certainly link me on your blog if you would like. That would be awesome! That “back to class” class looks pretty interesting. Have fun taking it!
Might have to check out that book. When you are done with your kids school album, mind doing mine? LOL! Em is in the 7th grade, plus they did day care, I’ve got a box full of stuff!! Yeah, that’s 12 years of STUFF to scrap.
No kids here, Erika. No school records, no report cards, no photos. Otherwise, I’d probably take it with you! I’m going to take Cathy Zielske’s design class in October…I’m going to give it to myself as a b’day present.
Have fun scrappin’……..think I’ll go take a look at that book.
Looks like a FUN class!!!
[…] in mind tonight. My online class began today, Back to Class with Trish Turay (for more info, see HERE…you can still sign up if you’re interested). All I got accomplished today was […]
[…] day….some KI Memories school embellies. I’ve wanted some of this line since way back HERE. It was a great deal, too….all of this for only […]