For all the details on this kit, please scroll down through my blog and see the past 7 updates. Or you can do a Search on Simple Stories and the entries will come up ~ thanks :)
Since my last update, there have been 2 new posts on the Simple Stories blog:
ALMOST HERE! (01-08-10) ~ More photos of what the kit looks like in action
RELEASE DATE (01-12-10) ~ Release date moved from January 18 to January 15
Just wanted to let you know that the planned release date has been changed from Monday, January 18, 2010 … to this Friday, January 15! For those of you who have placed pre-orders through me, make sure you go to my website ASAP on Friday and order the items you’ve pre-paid for. I don’t want you to miss out … these are going to be VERY popular kits.
The time of release is 9am MST, so figure out what time that means for your time zone if you want to be one of the first, LOL! It’ll be 8am my time (PST) and I’m going to order the kit, album, and page protectors for myself and then some extras to have in stock and sell at crops. I can’t wait to get the goods so I can start scrapping my Project 365!
Okay, I know those of you who could care less about Simple Stories are getting tired of these dang posts, so I’ll keep it short, LOL! Those who ARE interested, please post any questions here in Comments or e-mail me at scrapbookobsession(at)gmail(dot)com.
I’m still taking pre-orders, by Paypal only… :)