I have to admit, I haven’t always been a huge fan of BO BUNNY. My first exposure to it was in 2005 when I went to CKU-San Jose (CKU is Creating Keepsakes University, a 3-day scrapbooking event with classes, crops, etc.). I went with a group of friends and, believe it or not, our CKU song was chosen as one of the top three submitted and we got to perform it on stage at a CKU crop.
For participating (which entailed completely embarrassing ourselves in front of total strangers, dressed as The 7 Scrapping Dwarfs and singing “Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It’s off to scrap we go!”), we got a huge pack of Bo Bunny papers and stickers. We excitedly divided everything up between us and it wasn’t until I got home and began to put my BB papers away did I realize … that I didn’t really care for it very much (gasp!). Matter of fact, I still have most of it, LOL! It’s called the Homespun Collection and it’s all autumn colors, burlap, fall stickers, etc. I think I’ve used them on one layout and that’s it.
I feel badly for saying that, I really do! Nothing personal, Mrs. Bo Bunny. We all have our tastes, our likes and dislikes, and we can’t be head over heels for every single thing, right? I tried to find some photos online to show you and was unsuccessful, but if I can get good photos in the light of day, I’ll post them. While researching Bo Bunny, I came across this 2008 ARTICLE about its founder and now-art director, Jan Lanoy. She seems like a super nice lady and I don’t want to hurt her feelings! So, Jan, if you read this, just promise me you’ll read it all the way to the end. Cool, thanks hon!
Anyway, the moral of the story is this: Sometimes things change for the better. Over time, my opinion of Bo Bunny has certainly changed. Now I’d put them in my Top 5 favorite scrapbooking manufacturers. Oh, if you’re curious, here it is:
Erika’s Top 5 Scrapbooking Companies* (in no particular order because I can’t choose a favorite)
1. My Minds Eye
2. Pink Paislee
3. Bo Bunny
4. K & Company
5. Fancy Pants
*Disclaimer: This is based on their entire offering, so I’m not including Bazzill or Thickers (American Crafts) because of that :)
These days, Bo Bunny’s stuff always catches my eye and I love a lot of what they do. But I have now reached a new level of love for them … I saw this new line the other day and about fell out of my chair. I just want it so dang much and would trample my best friend to get some. Well, maybe not “trample” per se. But definitely “walk very softly over” … I mean, if she’s really my best friend, she’ll understand right? It’s not just “Bros before hoes,” it’s “Pretty paper before friendship.” Am I right???
So, without further adieu … I give to you …
HERE is the link to their website, but this BLOG entry has larger and more photos.
Since we’re on a Top 5 kick, I’ll show you my top 5 favorites from Mama-razzi. Then you have to click those links to see the rest for yourself, K?
Here are the top 5 things I love about this line:
1. Colors ~ Teal, rust, sage, brown, and black look so good together and I can see them going with a lot of the photos I take.
2. Subject ~ I have so many “day to day” photos taken of my family around the house or whatever that are sometimes hard to come up with a layout “idea” for; this will make it easy … It’s just about the photos. And raise your hand if you have a picture or 10 of yourself taking a photo into a mirror? With your camera above, below, or blocking your face? Perfect!
3. Variety ~ I love that you have so much choice in embellishments … the gems, rub-ons, chipboard stickers, acrylic stamp, etc.
4. Cardstock matches ~ I’m sure it’ll coordinate perfectly with their rocking DOUBLE DOT CARDSTOCK that I love so much.
5. “It’s going to Hollywood!” ~ I’m going to assess the Mama-razzi line as if I were a judge on American Idol … “I like your mellowness, Dog. You have great personality but you’re not too flashy and you’re not trying to hard. I think America is going to like you. You’re one of my favorites yet. Let’s see what you can do.”
I ~ hope hope hope ~ that MEMORY WORKS carries this line, not only so I can buy a bunch of it (hey, I need to make projects to demo and sell it, right?). But also because I want to do THIS class kit:
As you can tell, my love for Bo Bunny was not at first sight, but I think it’s a more enduring and deep love, because it developed over time.
What do you think of Mama-razzi? Are any of the other Winter CHA 2010 releases by Bo Bunny calling out to you?

THis paper ROCKS! I also really like roughn’ it line. I originally found Bo Bunny 3 years ago…and have been in love with them ever since. I love that the products are such good quality!
I’m one of those that didn’t always like Bo Bunny, but you have to agree, it has gotten so much better over the past few years! The store I used to manage didn’t carry it for the longest time and then once we did, we had to have it all. I live this new line, too, and hope my new LSS gets it in:)
I love this line! And I want that kit really, really bad! Finally a cool paper line that works well for boys too!
I love BoBunny too, and absolutely love this new line, thanks for the heads up :)
this line is really nice. i like bits and pieces of a lot of their stuff. i do actually like all the stuff here. loving the cameras!
This line is great. I too love the color scheme!
Love this line as well as all the new releases – how do you pick one?, I can’t so i will offer a “no comment” lol… Love them all, keep them coming – that Mama Razzi would be great with one of the projects i have to start & finish!
Love it! I really do. And I would give something big to see a video of you as a dwarf. (as in the seven) :)
I like this line too….but like Angie I am more interested in seeing the dwarf video…lol.
Love this line. Really wish the stamp was different (or more of them, need some flourishes HELLO!) But I do love the colors, and that class kit just rocks.
Homespun was way before my first introduction to BoBunny, my first encounter was when I won a word book from Stacey a few months before she opened up her first AMR message board. I am always drawn to their new lines now, I have a huge cropper hopper just of that glorious double dot too…mmmm.
And that mammarazzi stuff too awesome, I have to see if my LSS is going to get it in. Thanks for posting this ;)
Totally agree with you about Bo Bunny. It wasn’t my fav at first, but it’s growing on me. Love the way you write!
I’ve never been a Bo Bunny person either, but I really like this. And love that blue!