I don’t know about you, but I do much better in life and am more productive if I set goals for myself. So, here are some upcoming goals I have…and one of them requires your help!
1. To scrapbook 52 pages in 2007 – That equates to 1 page per week, which is totally do-able. I’m going to count pages, not layouts, so if I do a 2-pager I get credit for 2! Also, I’m only going to count COMPLETED pages with journaling and all. That is the part I usually struggle to get done and has kept many-a-page sitting in the ‘incomplete’ file. I put it off, either because I want to computer journal or because I did the page at a crop and couldn’t concentrate well enough to journal in the midst of the madness. What are your scrapbook page goals for 2007?
2. To sell at least $1,000 in Memory Works products in 2007 – By that I mean $1,000 retail & since I keep 20%, that would be $200 Washington’s in my wallet. I’m not a big ‘salesperson’ type of girl, so I’m approaching MW as more of a fun thing to do. Although extra money is always nice, I don’t need the income per se. But I think any business should have goals, don’t you? Now, the question is, do I count products I buy for myself toward the $1,000???? LOL, think NOT! Somehow, I don’t think that helps my bottom line.
3. To get at least 1,000 hits on this blog by February 28. That would be just over 1 month I’ve been writing. It makes me feel so good when people read this, and when they leave comments it just makes my day! I’ve always loved to write, and you KNOW how I feel about scrapbooking. This blog is the best of both worlds for me. And since this is the first time since I was 17 years old that I haven’t been full-time employed, I have to admit I miss the comments like ‘good job’ or ‘wow, you’re a good writer’ or ‘thank you for that info you shared’ that I used to get from work. I hope it’s not too selfish to feel this way. But I hope you will keep reading, keep ‘hitting’ my blog, share with your friends, and I’ll let know how it goes. Let’s DO this thing! (Think I got that from the ‘Friday Night Lights’ football coach or something….).
Do you have any goals for 2007, scrapbook-related or otherwise?? Please share them in the Comments or shoot me an e-mail. I would love to hear that I’m not alone here on Goal World.
Memory Works just called. My consultant kit is being shipped as we speak! Yowza!

It’s so awesome that you’ve set your goals for 2007. Well, *guilty look*, I haven’t set mine yet. And to be honest, I haven’t before. But it may be a good time to start this year, at least I’ll know the direction I’m heading. :)
It is good to set goals and I hope you reach all of yours. I myself set them sometimes but don’t always follow through and reach the goals. Looks like you’ve got a good head start though! And post some of your pages too!
I usually work better with some goals too. That way I have something to check my self with. Am I still on track? To I need to adjust something in my life? Things like that.
I’ve kept my goals pretty simple. I want to make 24 layouts (one or two pages) this year. That results in 2 layouts per month. This should be doable, seen the fact that I have a crop every two weeks with a friend and my mother. As for the rest, I plan to have another job by the end of this year and I hope to finally have setup the new website of my shop and earn some money with it instead of only spending money on the scrapbook internet shop :).
That’s it for my goals :)
Ilsa, thanks for sharing your goals. For the scrapbook layout goal, I like how you made it attainable. Scrapbook goals shouldn’t be about too much pressure…it’s fun! And I wish you extra luck on your job situation & website. May you accomplish exactly what you set out to do – cheers!
Bakinbit (love that name!), thanks for the good wishes. I can be the same way with goals, but now they’re in print so…LOL. And good idea about posting layouts.
Hey ~AM~, thank you for commenting! The only problem with goal setting is that it can be guilt-inducing, and who needs that?? Last year I set a page goal and didn’t keep track after about March, so who knows if I met it?? LOL
Found your blog through your comment on Ginger’s…
Good luck with your goals! (And great gotta have it your way list!)
Hi SassyMarie. Thanks for commenting and love your blog.
hello! I just found your blog tonight while playing on pinterest. After reading your project life card organization post, I started back with your very first post and this is how far I am right now. I am loving your blog, how down to earth and real you are in your writing. I have attempted a website/blog a couple of times and will be giving it snother shot starting in jan. my current website/blog has not been updated recentky but you are welcome to check it out if you like. I have pinned your blog and plan to come back and read more of your posts. Thank you for sharing so much about your scrapping style and your organizational methods. Your blog is truly a pleasant read and I have enjoyed it immensely this evening. have a great night!