Hi everyone :) Sorry to have been MIA. Everything is fine, just sooper dooper busy in regular life. In scrappy life? Not so much. I haven’t scrapped a lick since a crop I went to in, um, September? Sad but true. My friend Abby challenged me today to complete at least one layout by midnight, so I’m going to, LOL! I’m way behind on the Book of Me challenge she’s hosting, so that’s what I plan to work on :)
The NEW MESSAGE BOARD ~ Scrap Sisters Studio ~ has been going great. I’ve been trying to post a lot over there, especially making sure to welcome all new members when they post an Intro. I’m holding my title as the #3 poster on SSS (just like on AMR), with 195 posts made since October 25 (what’s that, 11 days, eek). When I have extra moments, I’ve been posting “Message Board How To’s”, i.e. instructions on how to do common message board things like putting a photo or image in your post, or create a poll.
Just wanted to let you know that I’m alive and will start posting again more often. Thanks to those ladies who were checking on me…it’s nice to be missed :) Hope all is well in your scrappy world!

I hope life slows down a bit so your able to scrap more! At least you can chat a little (okay, 195 posts in 11 days….A LOT…haha!)! If my life ever slows down I’ll get back on the boards I used to be on!
Sigh….thank goodness you’re OK. I was starting to have SBO withdrawals! LOL!
Haven’t been around much either. My SIL was in town and I’ve been on the go since Friday. I plan on playing catch up for the rest of the week…can’t even imagine what I’ve missed at SSS. I was surprised earlier when I stopped by here and there were no new posts! I’m glad you posted or I would have sent out the search dogs!
Ok girlie – have you been to Michaels lately? Ours has so many new Christmas (and even everday) scrappy goodies – if they can’t get you to scrapping, nothing will!
So glad you actually did take time to sit down and scrap a little. :) Can’t wait to see what you made! BTW….great job running the board over at the S.S.S. Scrappy. :)