I’ve been so busy with the holidays and work, I haven’t gotten over to Michaels in weeks. I don’t feel guilty about that until they start calling me at home. They’re all, “Erika, you have to come shop. Our scrapbook sales have seriously dipped and we’re considering closing down those aisles” and “We haven’t been able to pay our light bill!” Which I think are just high-pressure tactics and I ignore them at first. But then they call back and call back and then I feel horrible :(
Although I haven’t been to Mike’s in a while, my scrappy friend Alison took these photos and is letting me share them – cuz I knew you’d want to know! The details are from Alison too :)
BRAND NEW LINE Crate Paper “Hello Love” and new Craftsmith “Soho Tropical”
WRMK “Wildflowers” (prettier in person than online) and Dear Lizzie “Documentary”
New Craftsmith “Melon Patch” and “Seaglass” (am I reading those right from the photos? Halp!)
New Craftsmith “Words to Live By”
They had a ton of new solid cardstock packs. And here’s something different – a pad that’s made to look like paint chips! On some pages, they are small 2×2 squares, others there are 3-4 colors per page.
So what do you think? See any Must Haves? I’m eyeing the “Words to Live By” and “Paint Chip” pads. Maybe if I can find them for $5-6 at some point.
Speaking of which, there are varying reports about the price of these Hot Buy pads. They’re regularly $19.99. The ad apparently says they’re $10 this week or you may have to use the 40% off coupon to bring the cost down, i.e., Word on the Street is jumbled :)
Happy Shopping!
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PSS: (Or is it PPS? I’ve been confused about that since grade school). You can also Like the Scrapbook Obsession Facebook Page HERE. It’s a great way to get pinged when I post a new blog entry. I also share links to sales and stuff. Not that you’d be interested in great prices on scrapbook supplies or anything but just in case ;) Tip: The more you interact with the Page, the more it’ll show up in your feed. So please Like, Share, and Comment!