What are you, cray-cray? Of course you do! Go check out “The Smith Girls’ Spot” by Melissa Smith, a sweet friend to this blog. Melissa often leaves kind comments here and I really appreciate it. See the “Top Commenters” section down in the right column? Melissa is usually in first place :)
Well, poor girl … through a computer glitch, she recently lost all the followers she had built up from years of blogging (since 2008!). So she’s trying to build her followers back up and re-connect with all the online scrap buds she “lost”.
To make it a sweet deal for you too, if you follow her blog and leave a comment, you have a chance to win a $50 gift certificate to her favorite online store, A Cherry On Top. Deadline to enter is this Friday, 12-20-13. Then in a week or so, she’ll do ANOTHER giveaway of a $50 ACOT gift certificate. Hollah back girl!
The other thing that makes it a sweet deal for you is this: She is one talented scrapper. Check out her latest project:
Here is one of my favorite layouts she’s done recently:
Given my scrap shopping addiction . . . ahem, FONDNESS . . . I of course entered the contest myself. And will enter again next week. And you should, too, right? Because you are even smarter than me . . . or is it “I”? Whut-EVER! Please go visit Melissa, give her a follow, and then keep your fingers and toes crossed you’re the winner! Well, okay, you can uncross things while you’re scrapbooking but the rest of the time, I have to insist they remain crossed. We are talented women. I’m sure we can figure out ways to cook, do laundry, work, and grocery shop with our digits and foot-fingers crossed ;)
Yay Melissa! Hope you gets lots of new and old followers!

Erika- you are just plain old nice!
Right back at ya’, babe :)
Erika, you ARE SO VERY SWEET!! I can’t tell you how touched I am that you would post this and the nice things you said about me. Aww! It’s been a heck of a week, so this was really nice and put a smile on my face. Thank you sweetpea!
Melissa, you are so welcome!