I did a little scrappy shopping over Labor Day Weekend.
My favorite find is the Webster’s Pages “Dream in Color” enamel dots.
This is one of those times when seeing something in person clinches the sale. If I had seen these on Amazon . . .
. . . they wouldn’t really have caught my eye. But in person, they are sooooo cute! Granted, those glittery gold dots will probably end up in the trash; I am SO over gold. I mean, I was never ON it but I’m so OVER it. There’s just no love for silver and I don’t get it.
Anyhow, I got those beauties at Beverly’s Crafts and paid full price. I had already used a coupon in the transaction – to get 3 WRMK 12×12 albums for the price of 2. What, WHUUUUTTT? That made them only $20 each instead of $30 so I was okay paying full price for some dots :) But you KNOW I tried to use another coupon. Foiled again!
The other 2 items were from Michaels and they weren’t on sale but I got a little discount on ’em. The cashier entered the coupon for 20% of my total purchase, so that was awesome.
I already have a set of the blue and green dots but those are colors I scrap a lot with. And the Heidi Swapp“Puffy Stickers” are super cute. I just adore her handwriting. She could write “Parcheesi” or “Batmobile” and I would buy them, even though I will never scrapbook a thing on those topics.
More to come on some Project Life stuff I bought . . . will be selling off some of it, if you’re interested!
Have a great day 🔆

Parcheesi or Batmobile?! GIRL you are hysterical! And if she did make puffy stickers with either of those words, I’d find a way to use them! I’d learn parcheesi and paint my car black just to get the pictures to use those words! Love this blog!
Thanks Teri! I think I’m just weird. I wrote the post in a hurry and those are genuinely the first two random words that popped into my head :) Thanks for the great ideas for incorporating Heidi’s “future” word stickers into layouts.
Teri, I agree with you – I absolutely LOVE Erika’s blog. She can write about a random shopping trip and make it a funny story!
Erika, you’re so right about the enamel dots – the difference from how they appeared online to your in person photo would seal the purchase deal for a lot of us!
Keep shopping, scrapping, and making me smile!!!!!!!!!
Aw, Nadine, you’re such a sweetie! Thank you for continuing to read all these years and being so supportive <3.
Ooops . . . forgot a thought. I, too, love Heidi’s handwriting. I also love anything Ali Edwards writes!
Me too! Wouldn’t you love to write like they do? They almost give me handwriting anxiety, LOL.
I love enamel too! I’m so disappointed it doesn’t seem to have caught on here in Australia – I usually have to order it from overseas.
Now that is a true bummer, Megs. If you ever want me to grab something from Michaels and ship it to you, just say the word. No one should be deprived of enamel :)