Remember THIS post, about Scrapbook Santa? Well, he’s in the news again. After Christmas, I got an e-mail from my online scrappy friend EILEEN asking for my address. It seems that Scrapbook Santa had accidentally left a package under her tree that was meant for me. Although I was a little shy to accept this gift from Eileen, I figured since it was from Scrappy Santa, I’d better not decline so that I could remain on his NICE list for next year (Tip: If you ever turn down gifts from Scrapbook Santa, he is NOT impressed and will promptly move you to the NAUGHTY list. Yeah, see, I bet you didn’t know that, huh?) I figured SB Santa had probably left me a Mike’s $1 stamp or maybe a pretty handmade card and I looked forward to receiving my envie in the mail. HowEVAH…
What came in the mail was a large padded ENVIE with….you will not believe this cuz I didn’t either….
The Bazzill pack of Christmas cardstock!!!! {Santa, you’re just feeding my addiction…and I luv ya for it!}
and THIS!!!!
Which, you may remember from THIS post and THIS post, were 2 things that I had really really really wanted but, well, ya know, money is tighter these days. Instead of buying these things for myself, whenever I’m at the store, I just kind of stand near the rack and pet them. Suffice to say, I was very blown away and grateful to Scrapbook Santa! He is such a good friend, taking the time to notice what things I was drooling over and kind enough to get them to me. He even had Eileen write me a nice note about my blog and friendship, which was the bestest part of the gift.
Thank you, Scrap Santa!!!! Give Eileen a hug for me, okay?

Hey Ericka!! I got that Bazzill in mid December. I have like 4 sheets left. The colors are so good for everything, not just Christmas. Eileen must know that Scrappy Santa personally
I’m so glad you received the envelope! Santa was about to take it home with him….he had Northern CA confused with the North Pole. Actually, just between us, he was a week late in arriving, and smelled a bit like rum. I think he was into the nip!
oooh enjoy our cute birdie stamps!!! I saw them at target a couple days ago, but passed them up :( And I too, have the bazzill from Mike’s hehe. Happy scrapping!
Oh enjoy your goodies!
Thanks for stopping by mi blog!
Love yours!