So I’m over at my “other” 2nd home ~ All Moments Remembered message board ~ and I see THIS THREAD about Stacey’s favorite new company, October Afternoon. I found THEIR WEBSITE (which is new and still in the production stages) and was first off impressed with their design team. There are some names I recognize as very talented and I can’t wait to see what they do with this yummy product. Then I clicked on those PDF’s to see what they got! Yowza, you’re gonna’ love it too (although, unlike HEATHER, I’m not an owl fan, LOL).
RUB-ONS(just a sampling, there are lots more)
CLEAR STAMPS (just a sample, there are lots more)
I like the distressed edges on the papers, the warm colors, and how they have the same versions of the rub-ons in both brown and white (or espresso and cream or whatever). Since I have an ongoing Book of Me, these products are just what I need. It’s like they read my mind or something!
Stacey at ALL MOMENTS REMEMBERED online store is in the process of adding this to her site. So when ya want some (and I know you will!), go see Stacey for the best customer service and friendliest help you will find anywhere. And tell her I sent you {tee hee}…

Oh you know i am going to make Stacey get those owls, they’re such a hoooot!!!
Hi Heather ~ I do have to say, I love the little sayings with the owls…whoooo loves you?
Oh, yes, I love October Afternoon! I found them just a few months ago, but have yet to see the line in stores. I hope Stacey gets it in soon!
What a gorgeous range … loving the rub-ons.
I agree that October Afternoon is looking good to me. I also agree that the Owls, however, are not. I didn’t like them the first time around (in elementary school) and I don’t like them now. Here’s something you didn’t see coming – I challenge you to do a LO using the owls! If you do it, I’ll do it (as soon as I finish up HOF).
I just added my MB name to my name above to avoid confusion!
Wow, Julie, that WOULD be a challenge! And we would have to spend good money on some owl rub-ons??? I’ll have to think about that one. But I WILL be ordering some (or most!) of that October Afternoon. SO excited you’re going for HOF!!!
Very cool line. I hadn’t seen this yet. Been so busy with LIFE, I couldn’t tell you the last time I was in a LSS or looked online for that matter. *oops*
I recently got some of the papers in a monthly kit and OMG I’m in love. I probably would have never picked it out on my own. I don’t think the pictures online does it justice. I had to order more.
OMG that paper is GORGEOUS!! Thanks so much for telling us about it! :D Have I mentioned how much I *love* your blog?? :D
I just discovered them also. Where have I been? I think they have the best stamps I’ve seen-and the papers-ooh la la!