As if they haven’t already taken enough of my money, now Target has gone and re-stocked their scrapbook aisle. I mean, I knew it was coming because we’ve all watched our Tar-jay scrapbook aisles get emptier and emptier. For a while, a great fear spread across Scrapbook Land that Target was closing the scrapbook department altogether. I mean, it was real Prozac time for a while there, people! But no, then some sort of Target Rumor Control / Perez Hilton wannabe but for the Target set put all our fears to rest, informing us that they were just clearing things out in prep for new things from CHA-Winter. I’ve been checking the aisle (mine just has one aisle…grrr…) every time I’m in Target, and no new stuff. In fact, I was there today and nada, zip, zilch. Well, the ship is on the horizon! According to the 2PEAS CHICKS & CKMB GIRLZ, there have been sightings of some fun new stuff:
~ KI MEMORIES “Pop Culture”, and felt albums
~ MAKING MEMORIES “5th Avenue,” “Noteworthy,” and “Animal Crackers”
~ MARCELLA BY K (Targets brand for K&Co.)
~ K&CO “Ancestor” line
And shhhhhh….don’t tell anyone, but they have acrylic stamps in the Dollar Spot, and tons of the older stuff on amazing clearance….
Tell me, tell me…will you be shopping at the Big Red Bullseye soon? If you’ve already gotten, what’d ya get???

OMG, don’t tell me this because now I will just obsess about going to Target!!!
Thanks for the heads up, just might be able to get to town and check this out.
my target never has anything cute…:(
So I stopped by one of the targets. Low and behold it had been cleaned out. NOTHING left!! On the shelf or endcaps. I found what I think was the last clearance item. Making Memories paint pack. YAHOO for only 3 dollars. Nothing in the $1 spot yet.
Thanks for the heads up!!!
Oh-la-la!! I hadn’t heard this late-breaking news. My Target is not close to me nor is it really on the way to anything either, so I have to make “special trips” just to go. However, it might be worth it for some of those fun goodies!!