Yes, it’s this weekend!! If you think I’m making this up, go to the National Scrapbook Day WEBSITE. See, nanner nanner, it’s a real holiday not just some delusional, triple latte induced brainstorm of the Scrapbook Obsessed. Sheesh…
They have listed some NSD events and resources. They also have NSD logo merchandise…this was my favorite – a dog tee shirt.
Are those the cutest pups ever?!? Are you going to put your pooch in a tee? Yep, me neither. If I approached Dallas with a “doggie tee shirt,” he would give me his withering look of disdain, you know, the same one he gives me when I tell him “Quit laying in the sun so much. Get a job, for Pete’s sake!” or “Hey, I’m tired, feed yourself tonight….and don’t give me the ‘I have no opposable thumb’ excuse, because it’s wearing thin.” So, you see, Dallas and I have established the kind of relationship that does NOT include the wearing of doggie tees just to make mommy proud.
Okay, back to NSD…As befitting a holiday of this magnitude, there are lots of scrappy happenings on TV and online. All of which I PERSONALLY will miss, because I’m holding a scrapbook event IRL. But you all just go on and have fun without me…I’m not bitter…really…
QVC has some scrappin shows on. Here’s the schedule for PACIFIC TIME…if you need a different one, click on the QVC link above and change it to your timezone.
Thursday, 10pm-midnight, Scrapbooking Day Celebration
Friday, 6-7am, Creating Keepsakes Magazine – Paper Crafting
Friday, 8-9am, Anna Griffin – Elegant Crafting
Friday, 2-3pm, Scrapbooking Day Celebration
Friday, 3-4pm, Creating Keepsakes Magazine – Paper Crafting
HSN appears to have absolutely nothing scrapbook-related going on. They sure missed the boat on that one. Don’t they know that the way scrappers celebrate any major holiday ~ especially one right after the first-of-the-month payday ~ is to SHOP??? But here’s their stupid LINK anyway, if you want to double-check their program guide. Or maybe you want to know when you can buy some hair extensions by Jessica Simpson, I don’t know, whatever blows your dress up…
Members from CKMB are doing a meetup IRL!! That is so cool…the deets are HERE and HERE. {Thanks for the 411, Michelle/Shelle’s 2 Girls!}. I just love when message boarders meet up in real life, don’t you?
The All Moments Remembered MESSAGE BOARD is hosting an online crop on Saturday 5/3 from 1-9pm PST (4-12am EST). Their new KIT is being revealed tomorrow 5/1 and the anticipation is killing everyone over there. I think PATTI might hurt someone if they don’t show her already! Here’s a sneak of the May kit:
I got these from Jadadog/Tracy’s BLOG, and you can find more peeks on the other DT’s blogs: LINDA, JENN, and DEBBIE. I’ve seen all the peeks and it looks like one super gorgeous kit. And the Design Team does such a fabulous job of showing you ways to use the kits, you just can’t lose.
I can’t believe I’m missing THIS of all the AMR crops, because one of my favoritest-ever designers will be coming by for a chat, AND she’s a guest designer for the May kit. Look what Stacey (AMR owner) wrote on her BLOG:
“Don’t forget National Scrapbook day is May 3rd. We will be having an online crop. Lots of challenges and wonderful prizes to give away. Christine Middlecamp will be joining us to chat and show off what she has designed with our May Kit.”
I mean, come on!! CHRISTINE MIDDLECAMP?!?!!?!? How unfair can life be? At least I can go to the message board on Sunday (when my event is over) and read all the posts. I just love that girl… Here’s the POST where she mentions the AMR crop.
As for me, I’m hosting another crop but this one is different so it’s been a lot more work. Instead of holding the 2-day crop at a hotel like I usually do, it’s at a large barn/clubhouse that a friend is “loaning” me, LOL. BUT…I have to set up the tables, chairs, tablecloths, extra lighting, etc by myself, in addition to my tables of Memory Works merch. And I provide snacks and drinks, although this place has a full kitchen so that part will be easier than the hotel which just has a sink and counter in the meeting room. Then to add even more…I’m including my first ever Scrapbook Garage Sale, where ladies can bring all their unwanted supplies and sell them at rock bottom prices. Seller happy, shopper happy…Erika happy!! It’s a win-win-win. Anything not sold is going to a great charity, and NOT back in to clutter up scrapbook spaces. It’s Friday and Saturday from 9am-9pm. Luckily, my mom will be here to help…and crop. Wish me luck! And what are YOUR plans for NSD?

I hear you on the set up your own crop!!! I used to run crops in the local community center and we had to set up the tables etc and put them back. Setting up wasn’t so bad, but the LAST thing I felt like doing after standing for 14 hours was carry tables, LOL. Love your blog and thanks for all the info!!!
Ummmmm…..LOL…I have a photo with me and my little boy wearing a tshirt…hehehe. He had just had his little snip job done and the humane society we adopted him from didn’t give us a cone, so I put a shirt on him to keep him deterred. I’ll scan it later to share, but it is such a sweet photo….lol
Have fun this weekend at your crop. I’m sure it will go well! I’m actually holding a mini crop here at the house. It will just be 4 of us girl cropping away while my hubby takes our girls on a date. I’m going to try to do the AMR challenges while they are here. :)
Have a fun weekend!!
Hey I wish I lived near you, I would be happy to help and get in with the scrap garage sale……..See ya on AMR
oh that’s too cute! :)
I have a Hawaiin shirt and lei for our Whippet, Devo. Whenever I dress him in it (Halloween, Hawaiin family visiting..) I laugh my arse off! I seriously get the giggles and can’t stop! My hubby would have a cow if I put his dog in a scrappin’ t-shirt! Hee! :D
I love Christine, too! She is soooo good at clustering embellies and adding tons of detail without it looking cluttered and messy.
I’ve got no scrapbooking plans for this weekend. It’s my uncle’s memorial this weekend. I will be taking lots of pictures so that I can scrap it for my aunt. I think she’ll like it. :)
LOL…my dog Abbie loves to wear shirts and dresses. It is so funny, she has a closet full. I have only bought her one thing…but all her aunties have supplied tons of fun for the clothes hound (pun intended). Abbie gets so excited when I pull one of her things out and can’t wait to get it on, then I have to chase her around the house to get it off. LOL..
Hi Erika,
I am sorry that you are not going to be at AMR for the chat.I will give Christine some love from you.I know you will have a great time with the crop.I wish I was closer to you.I would love to come.I tried putting little clothes on my chihuahua and she just flops over won’t even walk with it on.I love her anyway though.Hope you have a great NSD:)
Awwwwwwwww how cute…you mean to tell me that you haven’t made any doggie tee’s that say AMR on them??? You’re slipping girlfriend…TFS
Happy Scrapbooking day! God bless this amazing hobby!!!