Okay, first of all, please tell me you get the reference to The Brady Bunch? Which I still contend is one of the best television shows ever made. Much more wholesome and life affirming than Don Imus, don’t you think?
It’s not like I’m a huge fan of Martha Stewart’s but her scrapbooking products are coming to Michaels Craft Stores (or Mike’s, as we like to call it) and everyone seems quite twitterpated about it. I’m hearing reports that Mike’s all over the country have scrapping aisles that are being rearranged and cleared out for, among other new things, Martha Stewart’s scrapbooking line. Judging by the hits on my blog for this topic, I guess you want to hear more about it, so here goes…
From www.marthastewart.com:
“Martha has begun her search for five master scrapbookers. Enter Martha’s Scrapbooking Contest if you think your page is prize-worthy. You could win an amazing scrapbooking package, including HP products and a gift certificate to Michaels Stores. Enter now for your chance to win now!”
She will announce a winner every day during the week of May 7, 2007. Here is what you could win:
One HP Photosmart c7180 All-in-One
One HP Photosmart R837 Digital Camera
HP Premium Photo Paper (15 sheets, 8.5 x 11-inch)
One HP Custom 02 Series 150-Sheet Photo Value Pack
One Gift Certificate to Michaels Stores for $250
So, are ya gonna enter? There’s not a lot of time so get going! Entries accepted from April 10-27, 2007.

After reading Wall Street Journal article on April 25, 2007, I will not be buying any of her products.
We are not a “Dowdy Craft Business” that needed a Makeover by Martha Stewart.
Hi Melba – I just read that article and wrote a blog entry about it! I can see why you would feel that way :) Thanks for your comment.
I was very discouraged and disappointed in the article that was published in the Wall Street Journal on April 25, 2007. I am and have been a scrapbooker for over 10 years. How can one person decide on what is a craft and what isn’t. I am very upset with how the article was written and it being called a “Dowdy Craft Business” and it needed a make over by Martha Stewart. I purchase my supplies from Joanne’s and Hobby Lobby they are not down scale stores. They are very upscale. Who are you to say they are hardware store they are very organized and very clean. Maybe you should shop at one before you bad mouth a business about something you have no idea about. I shop there frequently and can tell you I will never step in another Michaels store again. If they believe Martha Stewart can take them to a new level well let them try. But I Believe Martha is in for a shock. I don’t see Michaels as a store who wants to draw more business in. Look what Martha did for K-Mart stomped them in the ground. I guess Michaels will be right behind them. The other thing about not putting her product on sale or allowing coupons to be used is “JOKE”. That just goes to show you she thinks her product is better than everyone’s else’s. Well I better be quit now I am getting angrier by the letter I type. All this from someone who is just trying to make a quick buck. I have not desire or ever will to purchase one item from the Martha Stewart line. And I believe I will not be the only one out there that feels this way. Sincerely Annmarie
Wow Annmarie I couldn’t have put it better lol