We had a WONDERFUL day on the Fourth of July. My husband had to work most of the day/evening, so it was just the kids and I, but we were going and moving the entire day, and fell asleep on the couch at 10pm watching an old Katherine Hepburn movie.
As my kids lay beside me on the couch, passed out from the all the fun, with the black and white movie on low volume flickering on the TV, I was thinking about the awesome day we had had together. I started, you know, having a dialogue in my head with them and, no, I’m not flipping out on you. Still totally sane. But I’m sharing this because I think that moment led to what’s going to be some pretty good journaling on a future scrapbook layout.
I was thinking, in my mind saying to them, “I hope you remember the truly important things that happened today.” And it went a little something like this….
I hope you don’t ONLY remember that you got to eat a waffle cone downtown while we shopped, play with friends at a barbecue, and watch fireworks. I hope you remember all the other things that made the day so special to our family.
I hope you remember that, although your dad wasn’t with us today, it’s because he was working to provide for our family, so we can afford things like waffle cones. I hope you remember how much he loves us and takes care of us.
I hope you remember how much fun we had making our traditional Fourth of July desert on Friday night, Puppy Chow….how everyone took turns, cooperated, and made something yummy together.
I hope you remember how much we laughed today. I hope you remember that, when you were growing up, your family had a great, wicked, sarcastic, hilarious, laugh at the top of your lungs, sense of humor; how much we tease and push buttons, yet forgive and move on.
I hope you remember all the hugs we gave each other and all the kindness we showed each other, and showed others. Don’t forget that you kids held the door open for people when we entered stores, and said please and thank you to everyone we encountered. Remember how you were complimented by several people today for your manners.
I hope you remember that it was beautiful weather on this day, that God gave us sunshine and warmth during the day, and a clear night sky to see the fireworks (even though we were freezing!). I hope you never take for granted how lucky we are to live in this beautiful and amazing place.
I hope you remember, while we drove to all the places we went today, that you kids weren’t plugged into iPods or engrossed in GameBoys, but that we talked the entire time, about To Kill a Mockingbird, the President, random questions you had, what Independence Day means, and about how excited we are that Grandma is coming to visit.
I hope you remember our deli lunch not just for the Doritos and cool sandwich, but for the warmth of the sun on our necks as we sat outside, and the empathy you felt for the homeless man as we watched him scrounge his change together for a hot cup of coffee.
I hope you never forget that the Tea Party event we went to in the park wasn’t all about the hot dogs and the bounce house, but it was about our ability, our right, and our duty to speak up for what we believe in, no matter what it is and who agrees or doesn’t. You know in your heart what is right and wrong, and we will always support you in peacefully expressing it.
I hope you remember that you worried about the puppy being home alone while we went to watch fireworks, and that you ran to check on him on the second we got home. Because you are caring and responsible and good.
I hope you remember the big smile you gave me every time one of you said, “Thanks, Mom, for bringing us here. This is so fun!” or “Mom, thank you for getting that for us.” Your deep sense of gratitude brings tears to my eyes.
I hope you remember how lucky we are … to be the family we are.
I hope most of all you remember this: How amazingly much I love you, and how blessed I am, every holiday and every day, that you are in my life…
Actually, I didn’t take very many photos on Saturday {chose to “be in the moment” instead of “being in the camera” for once}, so this journaling may end up being the largest part of the layout, LOL. That’s okay, sometimes the journaling is more important than the pictures anyway, don’t you think? I often have these “quiet moments” where I talk to my kids or my husband, in my head but from my heart. But I’m always “too busy” or “too tired” to write them down. This time, I made myself do it and I’m so happy I did.
Have you ever had journaling come to you this way, the way mine did? I would love to hear about it …

Yep, my journaling for my “I hope” layout. It’s all about the relationship I want my kids to have with each other. I’m normally fairly light hearted and fact oriented in my journaling so this emotional outpouring was a little raw for me. Here’s a link to it over at 2Peas.
this is beautiful! what a great piece of your thoughts they will cherish!
Love this! I may have to lift your idea for the journaling. I teared up a little reading it. You go girl!