This is part of a series about the scrapbooking booths I visited at CHA 2016. If you’d like to see all the posts in the series, click HERE.
Disclaimer about my photos: The lighting at CHA is HORRIBLE for amateur phototaking. It’s held in a dimly lit and huge exhibit hall with spotlights here and there. If you don’t use your flash, you get what I got. If you DO use your flash, you get glare from all the packaging not to mention disturbing the crowd of people in the booth. I wish I had better photos but I did the best I could with editing them. I hope you can at least get an idea of what the products are like! (95% taken with Nikon Coolpix P100 and 5% with iPhone 6+)
My next stop was Kaisercraft where I didn’t really know what to expect. I don’t own but a few pieces, mainly because I haven’t been exposed to the brand very much. They’re based out of Australia and I’m in the US so . . .
I thought most of their lines looked like this, very antiqued with lots of browns:
When in fact, it’s quite varied with loads of beautiful colors and more modern designs than I imagined.
This line full of teals, whites, and greys was my absolute favorite. Swoon!
I like how they have the release date of each line on the shelving it’s housed on. Wicked smart.
I didn’t catch her name, sadly, but the person I spoke to in the Kaisercraft booth was supermodel beautiful and had that lovely Aussie accent.
I asked what their most popular items were and she said their line of adult coloring books (this becomes a theme) and this beach line. Which I love, and told her I live near the beach and we go there a lot, though it’s not summer. And she pointed out that it IS summer in Australia :D
Aren’t these projects beautiful?! I love the paper that looks like fishing net.
This album is going on my CHA 2016 Wish List for sure. I love the color and the quote!
These albums were pushed more back into the shelf so I slid them out to get a better photo. Unbeknownst to me, a woman was standing behind me waiting to also take a photo of them and I’m pretty sure it was Julie McGuffee from Scrapbook Soup!
As I turned around from pushing them back into the shelf, she said, “Aw, you put them back” and smiled. I immediately pulled them BACK out so she could take a photo and she told me I was sweet :) So that was a fun exchange.
You know that column in “Us” magazine called “Stars – They’re Just Like Us”? It reminded me of that. My mind is bumbling over this ‘scrapbook star’ and she’s just taking a photo like a normal person, LOL.
Kaisercraft has quite a line of mists!
Here’s one of their outer walls, which I assume alludes to their coloring book line. (I may be dumb but I’m not blonde!) (Ummm, wait a minute … I don’t think I said that right).
I asked if the majority of Kaisercraft’s market was in Australia and she estimated about 60% was, with about 20% in America and 20% elsewhere.
Thank you for enlightening me to your product lines, Kaisercraft! Loved your booth.
I took over 200 photos at CHA (in 5 hours, wow!). I couldn’t post close-ups of everything but if there are items you’d like a closer look at, please leave a Comment on this post and I’ll edit the photo(s) so you can see better :) Just another service provided by your friends at Scrapbook Obsession. Okay, well, it’s just me but I wanted to sound important.