Isn’t this card gorgeous?
It’s by VIRGINIA NEBEL and it’s in her wonderful TUTORIAL on how to go ‘around the corner’ with your favorite tool, the Threading Water punch by Fiskars. This and other great scrapbooking information can be found HERE on the Scrapbook and Cards Today magazine blog. If you’re not already familiar, Scrapbooking and Cards today is a super cool Canadian magazine which is distributed at a few select locations in the States. For instance, where I live in California, there are 3 stores that carry it (unfortunately, none of them are very close to me). HERE is the directory of where it’s sold. Or you can subscribe HERE for just the cost of shipping, which is currently listed as $27.95 for your first 4 issues. And you can even download it for free HERE. It’s quite different to read a magazine while sitting at the computer, but groovy all the same :) I find both the magazine and the blog to be full of great ideas and, while I’m still terribly loyal to CK, SS, et al., this magazine is a nice addition too. Let me know how you like it, and whether you found the Threading Water tutorial helpful ;)