I have Raskog Envy. Yes, that’s the official diagnosis. I went to a doctor and everything ;) And made a Pinterest board.
Ever since they came out years ago, I’ve wanted a Raskog cart from Ikea to use in my scrapbook room. I think I could totally rock my Project Life organization in one of these babies!
Although it comes in a few colors . . .
. . . and many even spray paint it . . .
. . . I reallyreallyreally want that Robin’s Egg Blue one.
I don’t live near an Ikea and it hasn’t been in the budget yet to get it online. The cart is $50 and shipping to me is another $14.
Now, in what may be great news for you if you’re in the same boat: A Raskog cart knock-off has appeared at Sam’s Club!!! In a pretty light blue – check it out:
I have a sweet online scrappy friend (Hollah Ann!) who happens to have BOTH versions of this cute cart. She was kind enough to take photos of them next to each other so we can see how they compare.
From what I’m hearing, the Raskog trays are 3/4″ wider and 1/2″ deeper. And the Raskog is a little sturdier with heavier metal – especially the bottoms of the trays. That last photo really shows the color difference. At around $35, the Sam’s cart is about $15 less than the Raskog (around $50) – plus shipping if you don’t have an Ikea nearby. So this may be a good bet!
Scrappers are reporting finding the Raskog knock-off carts in various places in their Sam’s Club stores – including near the front by the patio furniture (sometimes still in box and not assembled/obvious) and even still on pallets above the breakfast food section. Here, let me make this easier for you: Item Number 930442. Just give that to a Sam’s employee and they can check the computer to find the location in the store, if they have any :)
Personally, I’m holding out for the Ikea Raskog version. The light blue of the Sam’s cart is pretty but the aqua of the Ikea cart is my favorite color. Plus, I’m willing to pay extra for bigger and stronger trays.
Happy Shopping and Storing!
PS: If you’d like a silver knock-off, more shelves, or are just dying to pay MORE than the Raskog, check out the Jayden Metal Shelf Units from Cost Plus World Market :)
Hey! A girl needs options!
Mwuh! Have a great week :)