As always, the lovely ladies on the AMR MESSAGE BOARD provide me with such thought-provoking moments. My friend NICOLE posted THIS today, regarding a blogger friend of hers (also named Nicole) who recently suffered the loss of a pre-term child. Please go read this lady’s POST on Driving With the Brakes On blog, but I warn you it’s very detailed and you will be crying by the end of it.
Reading this true story of a family’s suffering at the loss a child reminded me of something I meant to do long ago. A very nice lady named Diana asked if I would review her product on my blog, and she sent me a free sample of it. Diana runs the company, where she sells scrapbook kits for those who would like to memorialize their Angel Babies. So I pulled it from one of the many piles on my desk (LOL) – it was still there because I always MEANT to do the review, I promise Diana! So, better late than never, here it is, a review:
The kit I received is called “Classic Baby” Scrapbook Kit and it retails for $15; you can order it HERE. It includes (2) 12×12 sheets of very thick stock, with gorgeous photo-realistic backdrops where one could showcase their “Certificate of Love” and any other photos, memories, ultrasounds, or journaling. The photos are very soft, pretty, and “Heavenly,” with flowers, blue sky, clouds, and green hills. In the cover letter Diana sent with the kit, she says, “Because many parents do not have photographs of their children, each kit contains exclusive designs of angels, clouds, butterflies and Heaven to symbolize hope.” She also says they can be used for “a variety of creative crafts, including scrapbooking, journaling and creating keepsakes such as shadow boxes and framed pictures.” I agree, I think both of these sheets with the included embellishments would be lovely in 12×12 frames, or maybe in shadow boxes where the parent could include meaningful 3-D memorabilia like baby shoes, or a private letter to the child. What I like most about the kit is it’s not super-specific and can be used to the exact liking of the parent. The items are very nice quality.
I was most impressed when I went to the Just A Cloud Away WEBSITE. Diana has created a very welcoming and serene site that is full of information for grieving parents. Parents can purchase a Scrapbook Kit, a Memory Garden Tip Sheet, or a Remembrance Idea Sheet to help create their keepsake. Her LOVE TALK BLOG is updated frequently and has helpful posts for everyone, including “Grieving Parents-What Not to Say” and tips and photos for creating a memorial garden (I notice on the About page that Diana is a Professional Landscape Designer). Here she is working with the scrapbook kit:
The website has tons of information, resources and links for grieving parents and those dealing with infertility. Whether you have Angel Babies in your life, or know someone who does, I encourage you to check out the website….just click on the icon below.
Just a Cloud Away, Inc. provides Remembrance Kits, Memory Garden Tutorials, Healing Crafts and Sympathy Gifts/Ideas for bereaved families of pregnancy and infant loss.