I just wanted to say: “Welcome back, Fancy Pants. Welcome back.”
I used to love FP back in the day. When I first started with MEMORY WORKS in 2007 and for a year or two thereafter, I used to lub me some Fancy Pants. They were one of my biggest selling brands.
Then I don’t know what happened but they fell off my radar. First off, I didn’t hear about them much anymore. Secondly, when I did come across a Fancy Pants line, I didn’t care for it. Too busy, too doodle-y, too much. Weird color combos, some kind of jarring. Just not my style anymore.
Then today I saw this: “Timbergrove” by Fancy Pants shipping November 2013 (!!)
And my FP love was restored. Like magic. Rich colors, simpler designs, no doodles, and a fresh look that I haven’t seen in any other Christmas line from 2013.
I didn’t link the images because they were so small when I tried. But do go look at the link above and see what I’ve fallen in love with. They also have a new line called “BELOVED” shipping December 2013 which doesn’t do much for me, but then I’m never much into Valentine’s lines. You?
What do you think? Had you lost the love for Fancy Pants only to discover it again? Or have you always like their lines?
Okay, this is going on my list for Scrapbook Santa!