Have you discovered Skinny Cow frozen treats? As someone who is on a perpetual diet but also loves her desert, I have been enjoying them much. In fact, at Costco yesterday I got a package of Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches. Half the box has chocolate ice cream, the other half vanilla. Yummers! And I see on their website that they’ve added some scrapbooking-related things. They are even having a Queen of the Crop scrapbook layout contest right now (deadline to mail your entry: 7/31/07). See, they have caught on that 1 of 3 households has a scrapbooker. They also realize that the same women who love Skinny Cow might also be the same women who scrapbook. Smart cow!

Oh those Skinny Cow treats sound delish Erika. Why oh Why can’t we get them in Australia?
Hi Karen – WTH? That’s just not right! You would love them. And at only 140 cals/1.5 grams of fat, not much worse than a lowfat yogurt, LOL. They can be eaten almost guilt free…