I have less than 24 hours to spend my 50% off Michaels coupon. Because NOT using a 50% off Michaels coupon is like giving away a nice chunk of money. I mean, you can use your coupon and save $5, $10, even $20 depending on how you use it. So why wouldn’t you?
I haven’t been to my Mike’s very much recently, but the last time I was there, I took these photos …
Lots of Martha Stewart Halloween stuff:
I think most of this is by Recollections.
I love all of these flowers, and those pretty little bats. In fact, I think those $6.99 flowers qualify as “coupon-worthy.” And I don’t say that lightly.
There were lots of new Martha edge punches or “around the corner” punch sets, as these are. You get an edge punch and a corner punch of the same thing which allows you to punch “around the corner” of your paper. I’m so glad they put a sample on the package of what the punched paper looks like because I have a really hard time visualizing it myself.
If these aren’t already on sale, I think tomorrow I’ll spend my 50% off coupon on a Martha Stewart LARGE CIRCLE CUTTER.
It got some good reviews HERE. According to THIS HSN VIDEO DEMO, this cutter just launched in July (2010). Guess that’s why I haven’t heard too much talk about it.
HERE is what the Peas are spending their coupons on, if you need some ideas-slash-enabling, LOL! Although this review of the MS Large Circle Cutter was discouraging:
“well, i did get the new martha stewart circle cutter, and it is going back.. it doesn’t matter if i go all the way around without stopping, the ends do not meet up properly, and it looks ugly…” {Now, I don’t know what to do}.
What did you spend yours on? What new things have you seen or bought at Michaels lately?

I brought embossing powders the last time, I can’t find the coupon on this post..
I did use my coupons. I may have cheated the system a little because I had 2 coupons and I went to 2 different Michaels and used them, on the same day. I bought 2 Martha punch around the pages because when you have a 50% coupon you have to go big or go home! I picked up a few Halloween decorations while I was there too, everything I got was on sale for 30% off! SCORE!
I was in a hurry yesterday so I only got a refill package of xyron adhesive. Adhesive is something that is always needed and that way I never let a coupon go unused. I want to go back today and take a look around since I have another coupon from the Sunday paper. Maybe a punch or something “big” this time.
what an enabler! You make me want to go to Michael’s today! YAY, thanks for the push!
Wow, love all those goodies, specially the Halloween ones, let us know how do you like the MS cutter!
Last thing I bought from Michaels was Martha Stewart Halloween paper and stamps.
Forgot my coupon though grrrr. But I did have a gift card :)