In THIS post, I told you all about the Gratitude Project I’m participating in. I was originally going to do this project as a 12×12 album and went to work right away on the introduction page. I couldn’t decide between these two looks, so I posted them over at the AMR message board for opinions on which one was best:
The more popular choice was the white background because, although the turquoise side has all the same fun words, they were harder to see. I decided to go with the white background, but then started having serious misgivings about choosing the 12×12 format. Just seemed too big to fill up the whole page, as I’m not generally a 1-photo per page scrapper anyway. I decided to switch over to an 8.5×11 format and I found a plain, 3-ring binder at Walmart for 3 bucks. It had the kind of cover where you can slip in a page so luckily I was able to convert my title page to the smaller format. Thank gosh because getting those KI Memories “Alphabet Soup” letters undone and starting over would’ve been a bee-otch, LOL.
Here is the title page, now on the cover of my album:
And here is the layout for Week One:
The journaling reads: “We had such a sunny & warm fall that here it is January and the leaves are still falling. I found this one on the grass while leaving work one day. As I often do, I picked up this pure evidence of nature’s beauty. I’m constantly amazed at the gorgeous colors of nature, like this leaf with it’s fire red, burnt orange, and faded yellow. I think I forgot ~ in my young adulthood ~ to “see” this beauty so clearly…until the kids reminded me.”
And that’s all folks…all I’ve managed to finish so far.
Depending on when you start counting, we’re 3 or 4 weeks into 2009 and I’m already behind. This does not bode well. I hope that by outing myself on my blog, I’ll be more motivated to get caught up. I have the photos and ideas for 2 more layouts, I just need to print the photos and get ’em done!
As you can see by my simple style, I’m not the greatest scrapper but I hope you’ll enjoy my pages anyway, and find things to be grateful for in your own life….

Your ideas and layouts are great! Thanks for sharing!!! (and keep em coming so we can keep tabs on your staying on track ability!) hehe.
S’about time you posted your stuff!!! It all looks great!!! I think you picked the right cover sheet. It just seems to pop more. I also like how the alphabet soups match the writing on the background paper. I’m doing a similar project, but I am making several pages ahead of time and adding the pictures and embellishments later. If I have several done at once, then there’s more to chose from later. And I can work when I want to, not just when I have pictures. Also, the 8.5×11, is soooo easy to work with. I love it!!!
One more thing, did you use GLOO for your alphabet soups? I have 6 cans of soups and no GLOO. We don’t have GLOO around here? Just wondering if there’s an alternative?
Awesome, Erika! I love the happy colors…everything you’ve done just says “I love life.” I’m with you in that I don’t think I could fill a 12×12 page either so good for you for adapting your original page to a new size.
I love that you chose nature as the theme for your first page. It’s easy for all of us to overlook the beauty of the world around us but in slowing life just a bit, we can see it in the simpliest things.
Don’t be so hard on yourself about your progress. Mentally you’re on track just thinking about gratitude and the rest will come. No pressure now…but I’ll be looking forward to seeing what else you create.
Ohhh, I like this! 52 weeks of gratitude… that great or what? Love your first layout!
Me….I’m doing 52 weeks about ME…..hmmmmm
I LOVE your style. It’s not “simple” hon, it’s “Classic.” There’s a difference, see? Because one is kinda a little derogatory, whereas the other is just so… elegant. And that’s how you (and I actually) scrap… elegantly and classically. I used to have a Yahoo group for people like us (and I liked to do swaps) I called it Simply Elegant Swaps. Anyway, I loved these. And it’s SO nice to see someone who scraps a bit like me… though I’ve GOT to get into inking and chalking, because I do neither at this point.
Anyway, the point is, love it.
I really love this post! Gratitude is so important, so thanks for sharing :)
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