492,348…that’s how many hits my blog has as of right now. Less than 8,000 hits to 500,000! Super cool. To celebrate this milestone for my blog, I’d like to offer a RAK of some scrapbook supplies. Nothing hugely fancy. I’m not sponsored by Making Memories or any of the big wigs….just little ol’ me, LOL! But who doesn’t want free stuff?!?!
Here’s how to play:
1. Leave as many comments ANYWHERE on this blog as you like, and each comment gives you 1 chance towards winning…. 20 comments = 20 chances, and so on…I have made 567 posts, so there are lots to choose from!
2. These comments must be left between now and when my blog rolls 500,000 hits…therefore, the deadline is unpredictable but I wouldn’t hesitate!
3. When time is up, I’ll put all your comment entries into Random.org and let it pick the winner!
4. This is open to USA and Canada readers only. So sorry, but I can’t afford to ship overseas :(
Here’s a Commenting opportunity ~ If you would please answer a few questions to help me make this a better blog:
1. How did you find my blog? Linked from another blog/site, Google search for ________?, etc.
2. Is my blog in your reader, do you have me linked on your blog, or how do you get here when you visit?
3. What topics have I not covered that you would like to see, or what topics most interest you?
Okay, looking forward to your comments and good luck in winning that RAK!! Here’s to 500 grand!
ETA: Don’t forget to include some way for me to reach you. When you log your comment, make sure your e-mail addie is correct and/or that you include a link to your blog. If I pick you and have no way to contact you, I’ll only give 24 hours grace for you to contact me before picking another winner :)

I found your blog when I found you and that would be quite awhile ago now! LOL! Through AMR, I guess, is the best pin point!
Your blog is in my reader. It’s in the middle-ish, so I get to you later than I would like usually!
I love when you cover industry news! Those are my favorites. I would love to see you offer instructional type stuff, too! Maybe links to tutorials and stuff.
– I think I found your blog via 2peas post.
– Yes, you are in my Google Reader.
– Love the topics you cover, especially when it’s about new products, and about the people in the industry…
Gotcha in my reader already :)
Followed you here from AMR :)
I like seeing the new products, the things you find at discount places, and news from the SB world.
I would like to see more of your layouts :)
And links to tutorials and things would be great
Wow! A HUGE congrats to you! That is fantastic!
I found you through 2 peas – I check out the daily blog post. I don’t know how to add you to my reader list . Am I missing your follow me link?
I’ll put my other comments later so I’ll have more chances to win.
Oops forgot to give you contact info – although it is listed right above this comment here box? Do you really need it?
I found your blog in your signature in AMR.
Jingle, stop posting, you know you’re going to win.
I don’t really use a blog reader, but I do visit my favorite blogs often.
I watch the AMR links and visit blogs that have been updated.
Found you while I was visiting Lida’s blog (aka rainbow crafter).
This is my first visit but I am adding you to my list of blogs I visit
I found you last year while looking for……
dum….dum….dum…… scrapbook organization. Imagine that! LOL! I stuck around because you are just so darn entertaining! :)
And yes I have you linked on my blog.
Maybe cover a wider variety of die cutters?
Oh, and you can contact me through my blog.
BTW congrats on your milestone!
Been watching your hits rise ever since you mentioned it a ways back. Major congrats!
:: Can’t recall how I stumbled onto your site, but so glad I did!
:: You’re in my favorites folder/blog~scrap, so first thing every morning it’s check-in time.
:: Topics? What topics? Just like the way you talk. And where your mind goes. On and on. Out there…
I can’t remember how I found you either! I was “doing research” (ie: surfing the web) when trying to decide whether to start my mag online or in print. I was doing all kinds of crazy searches when you came up. And, as others have said, I think you’re hilarious so now you’re in my reader! When I see you’ve posted something new, I usually skip down & read your stuff first.
found you from 2peas…yippee!
I don’t do the Reader thing- I just go thru my favorites (because you are GREAT) and get to your site that way.
I REALLY like how you have you blog now..a little of this -a little of that- but it is all scrappy realted…love that…I LOVE that you blog SO OFTEN…it is like chatting with a friend…
Your blog is a favorite. Don’t remember how I first found it but it has been well over a year and half now. I love your industry updates. Would love to see more of your LO.
1. How did you find my blog? Link from 2Peas
2. Is my blog in your reader, do you have me linked on your blog, or how do you get here when you visit? I don’t have you in my reader, when I want to read it, I look for you on 2Peas and then click on your Blog Link
3. What topics have I not covered that you would like to see, or what topics most interest you? Can’t think of a single one :-)
I have you in my blog roll
(Pattie’s passion)
I Scrap So All Moments Are Remembered!
Found your blog at amr.
(Pattie’s passion)
I Scrap So All Moments Are Remembered!
I love your point of view and sense of humor.
(Pattie’s passion)
I Scrap So All Moments Are Remembered!
You have an award on my blog if your interested. You’ll find it and the instructions. The Honest Scrap Award
(Pattie’s passion)
I Scrap So All Moments Are Remembered!
I found you while doing a search for scrapbook blogs.
I have you bookmarked and try to check every day. I’m disappointed when there isn’t anything new.
Love your sense of humor.
Keep up the good work.
Sorry to report that my local favorite scrapbook store is closing. :( big time.
I have your blog bookmarked, because I find it very informative. I linked to your blog from another blog, but I can’t remember where I was. I like your writing style.
I look forward to your updates on what’s going on in the papercrafting world. I also like the product enabling you do for us.
I know this might sound petty, but I appreciate your command of grammar and punctuation. I get tired of seeing so many mistakes out in the blog world. You do not have this issue. I enjoy checking in every day or so with you. Thanks for all your work.
Peggy N.
I try to read your blog everyday. I don’t use a reader I have it bookmarked on my iphone and check it regularly. I like hearing about all the deals you find while shopping. I think it would be nice to see more of the projects you create with all those glorious scrappy finds though. Thanks for sharing with all of us.
Not sure how I found you. You are bookmarked in blog favorites under scrapbooking. I like the heads up on your scrappy finds.
I have your blog in my bloglines list so I get every new post. I think I found your blog on twopeas but I can’t remember… I love it when you take photos of whats on sale and where.
Congrats on you many almost 500,000 hits. I love your blog, it is informative and funny. Thanks for sharing.
I originally found your blog way back when on the CK Message Board. Been scrapbook obcessed since. ;)
I have you in my blog reader, but lost of times, I just type in your blog addy or look it up on google. BTW…I do TONS of scrappy searches on google, and your blog comes up probably at least 70% or more of the time.
I love your humor and especially when you throw in a little slang or smack sometimes. My FAVE is when you share your own layouts, projects, purchases, etc. I love some juicy news and deal alerts. Oh, love it when you feature everyday scrappers.
I found your blog through you at AMR and you have been in my reader for a while now. You are also on my blog links on my little slow blog.
You already cover all the bases for me. I don’t need to see anything new.
Congrats on your blog success!
wow!! you’re down to less than 800 hits to get your 500K!! congrats!!!
I found you at ALL MY MEMORIESSSSS :) and you know where to find me :P~~~