You can find them both on Becky Higgins’ website HERE. Go take a look and come back to tell me what you think, please!
Card design references showing the entire kits are not up yet, of course, so it’s hard to judge based on a small peek but . . .
“Strawberry” I really like! The bright HONEY*-like colors with the special touch of navy blue added in are very appealing. The designs seem fun and versatile.
“Azure” has a very cool name, LOL. I’m usually not as big a fan of those kits with cream backgrounds but other than that, I like it a lot. Seems like it could be a good alternative for school layouts that aren’t so . . . school-ish, kwim? Especially the album with the alphabet graphic.
I look forward to seeing more of these 2 new Project Life lines – “Strawberry” and “Azure” – revealed as time goes by. What are your first thoughts?
*The Project Life Core Kit – Honey Edition
is only $21 on Amazon right now instead of regular price of $30 if you’ve been thinking about getting it /enabling over.